Chapter Four

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Henry's (POV)

"It's none of your business!" I was shocked why was she talking to me like she hated me? "O-ok?" "I need to go to my room." "I'll walk with you." "Fine." We walk in silence and when we got to her room she said "Bye Henry see you later." "Yeah U-um... bye." Then she shut the door i thought to myself she didn't once called me Hunny bun that was not good. That stupid clown! I went to my room and yelled. "What did you do to her! You stupid clown i know you're here!" "Nice tantrum! Henry grow up!" Then the clown came out of the shadows. "What did do to Penny?" "I wiped her memory." "N-no you didn't she stills remembers me!" "Yeah because of me! I told her that you were Henry Bowers and that you guys were friends." "Friends?" "Yes friends." He smile then left. She know nothing about your relationship and how much i love her i hate that damn clown. Ok ok i got Penny to fall in love with me once i can do it again!

Penny's (POV)

"Dad!? Where are you?" "I'm right here sweet girl." "Why am i here in this hospital like place?" "Um... ok you are here because you murdered someone." "What!! Why?" He took a deep breath. "Henry Bowers's father." "Wait what! Then why was he being so nice to me i need to give him a  apology!" Then i ran to look for him. I saw him come out of a room and he stopped me and we fell down i hugged him and started to cry. "I'm so sorry!" "Why what's the matter?" "I'm did something horrible to you and i'm sorry!" "What would that be?" "What do you mean i killed you father!" I thought he would be mad and hit me but he just hugged me tight and said "It's ok i forgave you a long time ago." "How could you forgive me?" He didn't answer he just leaned in and kissed me i was frozen then he stopped and said "Because Penny i love you." I was shocked. He got up and smiled then leaved and i ran to my room. I shut the door behind me. "Dad!" "Yes sweet girl?" "It's Henry." "What?" "He loves me." "Crap!" "What is that supposed to mean?" "Nothing sweet heart. Now go how some fun ok?" Ok dad. See you later." "Bye girly." "Bye"

Pennywise's (POV) 

He's trying to take my Penny away from me again! I can't let that happen!

Penny's (POV) 

I went to his room and knocked on the door "Yes? Come in." I went in. "Oh.. hey Penny!" He didn't have a shirt on he damn he was hot! "Hey Henry. I was wondering if i could hang out?" "Yeah sure no problem." I sat down next to him on his bed and we talked he was the caring type. "I really am sorry Henry about... your dad.." "You don't have to be." "Yes i do i am a monster!" "No! Don't ever say anything lie that around me again!" "O-ok... i just have one question." "And that is?" "How could you love me?" He thought about it... "You are kind, sweet, funny, beautiful, and a amazing person! That's how i could love you Penny." I blushed. "Thank you Henry." He leaned down for another kiss this time i kissed him back and it felt nice when he touch me. Then there's a noise in the shadowy corner. "Hello?" I was a little scared i clinged to Henry. "Penny come here. Now!" It was my dad "Coming! See you later Henry" He would let me go. "Henry my dad is calling i have to go!" No! You are staying here! You are not going with that thing!" "Henry! That thing is my dad!" "No i don't care!" There was fear in his eyes. "Ok fine. Dad i want to stay with Henry!" My dad came out of the shadows. "No! Now!" He grabbed me and pulled me off of Henry. "No! Leave her alone!" "Dad please!" "I'm doing this for your own good!" "Bye Henry see you later.." "No don't go!" But me and my dad was already gone.

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