Chapter Fourteen

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At the sewers:

Penny's (POV)

I was angry i needed to do something. "Dad i'm going out." "ok!" I went outside to see Belch and the others besides Henry up to their old tricks again. "Hey Dickheads!" They all looked at me. "What you say?" "I said Hey Dickheads." "You got a lot of guts saying that." "You won't hurt me." "And why not?" My eyes turned red. "Penny." "In the flesh." They all ran up and gave me a hug. "Sorry for saying that." "No it's cool." "Where's Henry?" "Hopefully he's at his house so he can't stop us." "What are we going to do?" All i had to say was one word and they understood. "Losers." "What about Henry He'll kill us!" "F*** Henry!" They all gasped. "Did you two get into a fight or something?" "Vic?" "Yeah?" "Shut the f*** up!" "ok" We went around town to find the losers and we couldn't then i thought they could be at Bill's house. We went and they were there bikes were on the lawn i knock on the door Billy answered. "Are the others here?" "Y-y-yeah hold o-on" They came outside to see me with the others. "Why is she here." I looked at Beverly and grabbed her and yanked her to the ground. "Hey what the hell was that?!" "Shut it Trash mouth or you'll get it worst." "Get what worse?" I looked and the guys where gone and then there was Henry. "she knock Bev on the ground and was about to hurt us!" I looked at Trash Mouth with a 'Your dead' look and i turned to Henry he was pissed. "Seriously Penny! Why just why?!" "Because they ruined my life and i'm just here to repay the favor." "Penny.... Don't do this please for me." "You think just i'll be hurting you that it will stop me?" "Yes." "Why would you think that?" "Because you love me." "No i-" He started to kiss me i pushed him away and said "No i don't so stay away from me Bowers and you won't get hurt." Then i left feeling better than ever i felt strong and incontroll. Is this how Bowers felt before all of this happened before me?

Henry's (POV)

She doesn't love me? I felt the tears start running down my cheek as a ran home.

5 years later:

Penny's (POV) 

It has been five years since i've seen Henry and Jewel because i've locked myself down here but i need to see my baby. "Dad i'm going out!" He looked at me surprised. "Ok sweet girl." Then i left it was the middle of the night and no one could see me. When made it to Henry's house i jumped to the window that was the nursery but it wasn't anymore there was a bed for a little person and a bunch of toys. Then something moved in the bed i walk over and i see a little girl my little girl. "Hi Jewel." She turned to me and said. "Who are you?" "Why i'm a old friend of the family do you want to be friends?" "Yes please i don't have a lot of friends at school. What's your name?" "My name is Penny and your's is Jewels right?" "Yeah how did you know?"

The next morning: 

Penny's (POV)

"Jewel wakes up time for school." "I don't want to." "Well what if i come with you?" "But you can't your a grown up." "But now i'm not." I turned into a beautiful little girl. "Wow!" I just laughed. "Now go and get dressed. Then i heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Shit!" "Hey that's a bad word!" "shhh.." I went into the shadows. And then an older man walked in then i realized who it was it was Henry! "Daddy!" Jewel ran and jumped into his arms. "Daddy i met a new friend last night!" "Oh.. really what your little 'friends' name?" He thought she was joking till she said my name. "She said it was Penny." "What did you just say?" "Her name is Penny." I changed back to my human form and giggled. "Hiya Henry miss me?" I came out he put Jewel down and put her behind him protecting her. "Oh.. Henry do you really think that i would hurt my own daughter?" "What does she mean Daddy?" "F*** you!" He screamed that in my face. "Been there done that...." "What do you want?!" "I want her to know who i am because without me she won't be here would." "Penny no." "Ok then i'll tell her." "Penny please don't do this!" "Jewel i'll come see you in a little bit ok baby girl?" "O-ok" "Be good till i get back." "Ok." Then i left. I got to see my baby and that's all that mattered.

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