Chapter 3 The Abduction

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"We have to kill her once we've found out all the information that we need. You saw what she did, and she murdered that girl. She is out of control." I heard a high pitched female voice say. My eyes were closed, and quite frankly I didn't want to open them to see what was going on. The last thing that I could remember was Becky yelling at me and then everything went white - literally. I could feel that I was laying down on something very cold, and when I moved my arms and legs I could feel that I was tied down by something thick and rough, rope maybe?

"Yes, but that could've been a coincidence. We cannot kill a young girl because of something she cannot explain and probably did not even do." I heard a male voice say, and I could tell that he had a slight British accent. I gulped as softly as I could. Were they talking about me or Becky? Neither one of us killed anybody as far as I could remember.

"I promise you that she – or whatever this thing is, is well aware of what it has done and has something to do with the murder of the girl she attacked just a few days ago." The high-pitched voice snapped back.

"Can't we just let it explain itself before we pass judgement, and is it even our place to pass judgement?" the male voice asked and I could hear the doubt in his tone, and there was a moment of silence and then I heard the sound of a loud sigh coming from the female.

"As your superintendent I command you to stop questioning your orders. We will kill this thing in the end – with or without you, it is your decision." The high pitched female voice snapped at him in a stern voice. Her tone reminded me of my third-grade teacher, snippy and mandatory. Everyone always had to do what she wanted to do or there will be punishment given to those who refused.

"Yes . . . sorry." The male voice said softly and I heard the sound of high heels clicking on the floor and then a metal door slamming shut. I heard someone letting out a deep breath and then the sound of the steps came closer to me. I could feel it near me and I slowly opened my eyes to get a quick glimpse of what was happening, but closed them again as I was blinded by a bright light hanging above me. I tried to cover my eyes with my arms just to remember that it was tied down, which meant that I could no nothing with my arms. I groaned and I opened my eyes again – this time taking caution.

I looked around and all I saw was white walls, a white roof, white flooring and a man. Besides the man standing next to me literally everything was white, from the floor to the ceiling and there was nothing else except the walls and the floor. I looked at the man – he had golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes that stood out from his pale skin. He was beautiful but his face was expressionless, and when I looked down I saw that he had on a button-up blue shirt that matched his eyes, and white pants. I could see that he was well-built and muscled, by the sight of his rolled up shirt. He was too cold to be so beautiful.

I looked down at myself, and I saw that I was in a blue hospital gown type of thing, and my hands and feet were tied down onto something that reminded me of a silver morgue slab by old brown belts. Wait was I tied down to a gurney? I shook the belts to try and loosen them up but it didn't help. I looked up in confusion at my capturer and he gave me absolutely no expression. Fear and confusion filled my mind. Who were these people? Did I break a law? I couldn't help but wonder if this was some government experiment.

"Where am I?" I croaked and he tilted his head, and fixated his eyes on me as if I was some sort of alien. "Where's Becky?" I asked. I remembered Becky yelling that they're coming to take me, but who are these people? How did she know them? Did they take her as well?

"Rebecca is fine." He said and I shook harder at the belts to indicate my frustration. I hated being tied up like a caged animal. I had rights, or I thought that I had.

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