Chapter 1: Bois de justice

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The five magicians are known to be the strongest mages in history. Wielding the true magics, they were almost invincible. However, a legend forgotten by most mages, a group FAR more powerful then the magicians existed.

They were known as the Sacred Magicians.

Wielding soul bound weapons known as "Holy Relics", they were capable of killing servants effortlessly despite being humans. No one is able to uncover the secret how they were THIS powerful. It was believed that due to the internal conflict , the sacred magicians had a civil war and ended up killing themselves, and their souls were shattered to pieces and disappeared completely due to the holy relics being able to deal damage at a physical and spiritual level.

No one knew what the holy relics EXACTLY were, but it was known that it made it's wielder infinitely more powerful. Mages sought after these holy relics and tried to take them from the sacred magicians, but these poor mages vanished entirely. Even now, though the legend of the sacred magicians were forgotten completely, the holy relics were assumed to be beyond the laws of magic itself.


It was a regular day. Evening , the sweet evening. Along the roads came a black haired boy. 

His eyes shone, as black as his hair. Wearing a formal attire consisting of a shirt, blazer, tie and trousers. He put his sunglasses to his pocket.

This was in fact, A/N L/N,  but most people called him black. May be because of his hair color as he moved to this Fuyuki city. He never knew his parents as they died of young age, and was raised by his uncle. He was sent to this city to complete his education.

His house was...simple and humble. It looked new, but was really neat and tidy. It looked PEACEFUL, something he always liked. He would be going to school tomorrow. 

So he decided to explore a bit of this city.He walked around, gradually walking into a empty road surrounded by trees. He wasn't a coward. It was really peaceful and quiet. Something he enjoyed . 

Okay, perhaps a bit too peaceful and quiet. One of his strange abilities he manifested when he was 15 years old activated. 

Foresight, or someone calls it precognition. The ability to see the future. He could see seconds, minutes, hours, days , months and even years into the future. Okay, maybe even decades and centuries. It is pretty useful, as it helped him to avoid life threatening situations. Like it did now.

20 seconds from now, a blue haired man would pierce him with a red lance. He sighed. How was this bastard, who tried to ruin his peace?

He simply moved out of the way as the spearman unsuccessfully tried to hit him. He coldly glared at the blue lancer who looked at him surprised but grinned.  The man, his foe was clad in blue and silver, a thin but muscular frame. A blood red spear in his hands which he tried to pierce the boy with.

On his face was a annoying smirk. Which the boy found very annoying. 

"Huh, not bad, kid. It was as if you saw through me. " The man grinned ," But however, you were something a little .....strange when i sensed you-"

"Get to the point." Black spoke coldly. The blue haired man grinned as he prepared his lance, and just then, Black's left arm was enveloped in a black light, startling the lancer.

The boy's left forearm , was now a blackened arm, with writings in red and crimson lines around it. A giant, scythe like blade , as black as the arm, was protruding out of his elbow. The red linings on it was more redder and ominous then his own spear, which made the blue lancer realize that it should not directly hit him. 

Then again , it could be just intimidation. The lancer charged forward with his spear and struck at the boy, who blocked with the blade, which could be used as a sword as well considering the angle it was extending from. Lancer smirked. He kept moving faster, seemingly overpowering the boy. He was faster and stronger.He would win. But for some reason, his strikes were not damaging the blade of the boy.

Just when he went for the kill, the boy blocked, and then slashed so fast that lancer barely blocked it, but his cloths were sliced at the middle. His eyes widened, but the boy wasted no time going into offensive, slashing at speed and power which lancer was unable to handle. 

Lancer's eyes widened when he realized that the boy was adapting to him. He was growing, becoming stronger and faster.In fact the boy was already faster then him. Lancer gritted his teeth realizing that he should have finished him off right in the beginning. But it made no sense. Here, was a HUMAN. Yet, he had a power which lancer could not even grasp. Was it magic? Or something else?

Lancer wanted to use his noble phantasm, but he could not. The boy was now simply TOO fast. The boy was not giving him any opening. The moment he would try to get away from the boy, to charge his noble phantasm, he would appear in front of him and almost slice him in half. 

Unknown to lancer, the boy had used clairvoyance , one of his powers, to study the details of the spear and foresight to see what would happen if it hit him. The foresight allowed him to see multiple alternate futures as well. 

when one of his slashes cut his belly, lancer gasped and decided to wisely dematerialize, but not before giving the boy an impressed look. The boy glared and willed his blade to disappear . 

"Disgusting" .

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