☆《Still waiting for you》☆

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Kenma's pov

"Kenma wake up!!!!"Kuroo said while shaking my body real hard.He have been living in my home since a week.Well it's fine...Kuroo is the vice ceo of my company anyway.He did most house hold chores so he's tottally fine...

"What time is it?"I yawned

"It's 10 pm!!!!!"He yelled

"It's day off...so I'm fine...."

"YOU NEED TO EAT BREAKFAST!!!!You'll have a lot of work to do once you come back at the company!!!"He yelled at me.


"WE'VE BEEN OFF SINCE 5 DAYS WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!!"I just sighed and stood up to went to the dining room to eat breakfast.

It's been 7 years since y/n left me.We hadn't contacted each other ever since.She must have found a new one but my heart isn't giving up on her yet.

Continue I shall,to love you still.

Despite distance,despite pain,

Despite lost hope and prying eyes,

We're only apart if you left my heart go.

'That poem kept on popping out of my head.Is it the reason why I'm not giving up on her?I don't even rememver who said that to me...'

"Kenma!!!your dozing off again!!!"Kuroo was sitting infront of me,watching me eat.I just realized now,I'm guess I'm really dozing off....

"Oh sorry...."


"Kuroo you're like my mom..."

"HAH?!!!!How would could you say that!I'm not!!"

"Are too..."

"Am not..."

"Are too......"

"Am not!!"

"Are toooo....."

"AM NOTT!!!!"

"If y/n was here she would have stopped the both of us earlier"Kuroo blurted out.

"You're right......"I smiled and the both of us started to laugh.It might hurt...but there were times me and Kuroo were having good memories of y/n.I wonder how's she doing in America...She really gave the best memories to the people who were included in her life....No wonder when we were 2nd years many people would want to get her autograph or attention.

"Why are you smiling?"Kuroo asked.I didn't realized I was smiling the whole time thinking about her.

"Nothing...just remembered something..."

《End of the chapter》

Hi guys!!!,So this story Unexpected is almost to end!I wanna thank y'all for reading this story!I totally appreciated it for all of you giving out your time reading this story!thankyou!


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