This is about my walk with God and how he has spoken to me through the dreams I have received. In this book I have written down some of the craziest things I have experienced through my dreams and how I predicted things before it actually happened.
After my baptism I was impowered by the Holy Spirit, all I wanted was Jesus. I forsaked my old self and fully surrendered to God. All the worldly things I desired I no longer desire and God made it so much easier for me to overcome temptations, God was and is my strength. My focus was only on the Lord. The only channels I watched was Christian channels, the only book I read was the Bible and the only songs I listened to was Gospel songs. I was obsessed with God. I was a whole new person and I loved the new me. I remember my sister and her friend came over one day and they saw my room filled with pictures of the Lord and beautiful Bible verses that is so comforting and my sister told her friend "just watch this isn't going to last" ..... But I proved both of them wrong I'm still crazy about God. Because of Christ I'm able to have this personal relationship with God that is so strong and so powerful that no one can break. The closer I got to God the more I got visions and dreams about His coming and the end times.
Dream 6.... (The coming of Jesus)
It was afternoon the sun was still bright outside, it was like a normal day until I heard a commotion outside so I decided to go check what was happening and what I saw was so incredible I wish everyone in real life could have witnessed. I stood in the doorway and I looked outside and saw angels on white horses descending from heaven on clouds. There was people everywhere outside witnessing what I was witnessing. I saw a man being blast out of a cannon and as he flew in the clouds I saw the Lord Jesus descending from the clouds. They were so close to the ground and the crazy part is that it felt so real. It felt like a normal day, I was wearing the clothes I usually wear when I came home from school and everything seemed normal. The great part was I felt so calm and peaceful even though it was the Day of the Lord's return.
Dream 7.....(Skyscraper)
So in this dream my siblings and I was sitting in front of this massive window on a couch and we were in a probably 20-30 floor building/hotel, we were really high from the ground I know this because we were looking down on other really tall buildings outside. I remember holding and comforting my little brother while my eldest sister was holding my younger sister and as we held onto each other we saw outside this bright fire coming towards our building destroying the buildings in front of us and we knew we were about to die so we held tighter onto each other and just before the fire reached us the dream ended.
(In that dream I was at peace and even though I knew I was about to die I was so calm and accepted what was happening and so did my siblings).
Dream 8.....(Judgement Day)
In this dream I was at school and all the students were seated outside, my principal was standing in front of us. The clouds were thick and dark (in most of my dreams from God the clouds are thick and dark but in all, the environment is so peaceful). There was stairs reaching up to heaven and it was like Judgement Day. There was someone with a clipboard and he would call our names out and then that person had to walk up the stairs into heaven. The dream ended so I couldn't see the rest.
Dream 9.....(The torturing sun)
I dreamt I was at school, it was a normal day. My friend and I were walking to our next class when all of the sudden the heat of the sun became really hot. I looked up directly at the sun and it became so hot that it was unbearable. I saw how our bodies were literally melting off, then the dream ended.
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Dream 10....(Noah's Ark)
So in this dream I was at my old primary school and an old friend of mine was with me, later the setting of the dream changed and we were in this fancy building /hotel, on the top floor. There was people around a table enjoying each other's company. My friend and I was standing by a pool when all of the sudden evil and wicked men tried to attack us. The pools water start moving like strong waves in an ocean and we ended up on a boat that looked like Noah's Ark. Anyway the dream ended with them still trying to get us.
This dream relates to the end times and Jesus spoke about how the end times will be like the days of Noah.
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Dream 11....(Jesus coming for his inheritance)
I received a dream about the Lord Jesus and in this dream I was at a bank (this bank looked really old, it was like watching an old movie). This lady which was the bank teller was sitting behind burglar bars, she was dealing with something and then Jesus came in and asked her how much is he inheriting from his father and she looked in her papers and had this complete shock on her face like she couldn't believe what she was seeing (there was another bank teller by her).
Dream 12.....(Warning others)
Iasked the Lord to bless me with another dream about his coming and then I got this....
In the dream I was at home and I looked outside, it was dark but as I looked up I saw a thick dark cloud covering the earth and I just knew God was coming. I told my mother but she didn't take it seriously like always. It came to another part in the dream where I was at a Muslim girls school and the building had glass doors around it so I could see the outside still. I ran inside and shouted, "Jesus is coming look outside!". It was like I was in a rush, so the leader came with me up stairs and I told her again Jesus is coming and we both looked outside and it was like she instinctly became believer in Christ since she witnessed it herself.