Chapter 6

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I am with Bryce in his room getting ready to go live on TikTok.

Bryce: Yo Whats Up? I'm here with my friend, Maddy

Me: Hi (awkwardly laughs)

We didn't really do much, Bryce was just answering questions and following people who gave him I'm very riches

Bryce: Ayeee Molly! Thank you for the I'm very rich I just followed you!

Bryce: (reads question) who's that girl? That's Maddy she is visiting for the week.

Bryce: where's Quinton? He is taking a shower- YO SOPHIA Thank you for the Im very rich I just followed you!

I'm going on TikTok and I notice that Griffin is on live too, so we went into Griffins room and Bryce does something.

Griffin: Yo Vicky! Thank you for the I'm very rich I just followed you!

Me and Bryce walk in and Bryce walks pass griffin and pulls his pants down so griffins live can see his butt.


My jaw dropped to the ground

Me: I think I've seen more of Bryce then I should ever see.

Bryce and Griffin was laughing so hard


I went back to Bryces room and continued the live. And I hear Josh in the other room playing fortnite.

Bryce: I have an idea! Everyone go on Joshs twitch and comment L on the chat.

We logged onto Joshs twitch and we saw so many people comment L.

(Josh on Twitch)

Josh: Why is people commenting L? Is Bryce telling you guys to do that?

Me and Bryce were laughing so hard.

After we went on live, I was feeling tired and took a nap on the couch.

Josh, Bryce, and Quinton was walking and saw me sleeping on the couch.

Quinton: Is she sleeping?

Josh: Yeah, she had a long flight and didn't get that much sleep.

Quinton: Oh

I'm a light sleeper so I can hear what people are saying and I heard Quinton speaking and in my head, I was like, does he think that I look cute sleeping? I don't know.

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