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So, I figured out a way to write new stories without committing to them... not that I don't enjoy making a commitment every now an then. This will be a drabble of one shots, as far as the pairings, I will make sure to post that at the beginning of the chapter, just because I know some of you may not like mixed pairings.

Pairing: Butchercup


Restless nights were Butch's new ordeal, he tossed and turned in his bed, all these lies he's been living with won't let him drift into sleep. He was sick of all these lies, he was full of sin but could not bring himself to confess to anyone, especially her. What would she do when she found out everything that he has been doing behind her back? But he couldn't stop, he can't stop no matter how hard he tried. He was hooked on it, he was hooked on fame, he was hooked on all these women. But they meant nothing to him, so why couldn't he stop? For his sake? For Buttercup's sake?

He slowly lifted himself off the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty next to him. The serenity features of her face as she slept away, unknowing of the internal battles he had to go through every night. He sat at the edge of the bed, his head rested on his hands. He needs to come clean, it's not fair to her. He's come close to confessing to her so many times in the past but always bypassed it in fear of the outcome. He can't live without her, which will eventually be the inevitable when he spills the truth. "Fuck" he whispered as he stood up and made his way to get a glass of water.

"Buttercup, I love you, I would never hurt you" he whispered into her ear as she moaned out his name. His hands caressing her breasts while her hands traveled down to unbuckle his pants. Her penetrating gaze on his forest green told him she trusted him, she knew, but she still whispered "I know, Butch" and those were the last coherent sentences spoken that night.

Butch placed the empty glass in the sink as he came back to reality. He meant it, each and every single word, he loves her, and she loves him, but unlike him, she has never hurt him. When was it that it changed for him? He didn't like what he had become. Someone who willingly hurts the one he loves. When did he fall in love with the ways of the world? He hated the monster he had turned into. As he entered the bedroom, he saw Buttercup was awake, the dim light from the lamp illuminating her still drowsy face.

She turned to meet his eyes and smiled at him "Hey, what are you doing up?"

Butch made his way to the bed and sat next to her "Couldn't sleep" he simply muttered, avoiding her gaze

Buttercup took his chin into her hand to make him look at her "Seems like it's almost every night now" she whispered as she placed a light kiss on his lips, followed by another on his cheek, and another along his scruffy chin.

Butch tried to stop her, really he did, he didn't want to be with her, not after being with... not tonight. But he was a monster, he let himself get lost on her touches, on her caresses that he dared compare to the girl he was with earlier today, when he was supposedly at work. Another lie to add to the infinite list.

By now Buttercup was straddling him, sucking on his ear lobe "I love you" she whispered in his ear, and those were the words that snapped him back to reality. He pushed her off him as his breathing became ragged. "You can't!"

Buttercup slowly lifted herself from the bed where she had fallen, unsettled by Butch's abrupt reaction. "Butch, what is going on? I can't what?" she asked as she hesitantly made her way to him "You've been off these past few weeks, I didn't want to meddle, you know that's not me, but after this sudden outburst..."

Butch took hold of her wrists, no longer in a right place of mind, as he shook her roughly "You can't love me Buttercup! Not after..." he stopped when he saw her frightened expression. He was sick of this hell he had dragged himself into, and now he was trying to drag her too. He slowly released her, an incredulous and concerned look on his face "Buttercup, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you" his words having a double meaning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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