Tracing Lines of Red

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My name is Marie. I live with my parents. I'm 16 years old. I'm an only child. I was supposed to be asleep. It's midnight and I have school tomorrow.

I was sitting by the door, my ear pressed to the cold wood. I could hear my parents talking downstairs. My throat was tight. My hands clenched into fists as I listened.

"She's been very disappointing lately." Mom said.

"Yes. She's failing at school, she's not very popular, and not to mention she is going through a rebellious phase."

"Whose fault do you think that is?" I whispered angrily. "It's when you say things like this, I hate you."


I turned to the man standing by the window. "Do you believe me? If you want to leave this place, if you want out- then I could give that to you."

"Stay away from me." I snarled. "I don't know who you are, but I won't let you do what you want."

I blinked and suddenly he was right in front of me. Gasping in surprise I stumbled back but I was already against the door. I fumbled with the doorknob, forcing the door open. I fell out into the hallway, my parents' voices much clearer now.

The man was on top of me. His eyes glowed blood red, hypnotizing, mesmerizing me. I stared at those eyes, those dangerous, beautiful, deadly eyes.

Forcing me to turn my head, he lowered his head to my throat. I felt his tongue run along my neck. I shivered, a slight blush creeping up my face.

"Wh-what are you....?" I whispered, my whole body shaking in fear.

"My dear, I'm a vampire." he told me, winking. "Want me to bite you?"

I glared at him. "I'll scream."

"What's the point? Do you think your parents will care what happens to you? When you are such a disgrace? When they wish you had never been born?"

My eyes stung, but I refused to cry in front of this man.

"Cry, my dear. Suffer, for all eternity!"

His fangs bit into me.

Blood. I could feel it being sucked right out of me.

I opened my mouth to scream. His blood stained hand covered my mouth. I could taste my own blood on my lips. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I squirmed against his grip, knowing we had to hide before my parents came up.


I turned my eyes, seeing my parents staring at us in horror. The man slowly let me go.

"She is mine now. Back off. She does not deserve you. You treat her like trash. Now I will throw you out like garbage."

In the blink of an eye, he was standing in front of my parents. It was a terrifying image. A tall man with long, dark hair. Blood stained lips, dripping everywhere. Fangs, huge, sharp fangs protruding from his gums. Glowing red eyes, the color of blood.

He slammed my father into the wall then sank his fangs into him. Memories flashed through my mind. Of when he had walked me to and from school as a young child. When we would buy ice cream together. Bed time stories. Warm hugs when I had nightmares.

"Stop!" I tackled the vampire and we both fell to the ground. Rolling over, he pinned me to the floor.

"Don't you want this? They obviously hate you!"

I shook my head. "But I still love them."

"They don't deserve your love."

"Who are you to decide that?"

I shoved him off. He shook his head. Then he continued to drink from my father. Soon, he fell to the ground.


He isn't coming back.

The vampire did the same to my mother. I met her eyes, seeing the terror in them. And then the hatred, directed toward me.

"You useless daughter. Live. And let our deaths be a sin for you to carry on your shoulders, forever."

Angered by this, the vampire sucked her dry in a matter of seconds. He dropped her and turned to me.

"What's your name?" I asked. I had to know the name of this man. This vampire who had murdered my parents. Who had ruined my life, for all eternity. And yet, a guilty, small part of me, was very glad he had come. Glad that he had taken me away from this hell, and brought me right into another.

"My name is Raven."

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