I'll keep you safe..

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“Can you tell us what happened? We need all the information we can get to find the best result” The lady asked softly, her voice was soothing and sympathetic, like a mother talking to her child. She had round glasses and her dark brown hair was tightly pulled into a bun, she was wearing a tanish turtleneck and a navy blue knee high skirt that gave off a professional look.  “Y-yes..I'll try'' A girl with brown hair that reached just on her shoulders whispered as if she was afraid to talk any louder. “It a-all happened like t-th-this…”


I walked to school with Deku silently, Iida wasn’t with us because he went early so he could see Mei for costume upgrades. Though something felt different, the atmosphere was heavy and the air was thick. I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong though, we had walked to school alone together before so that couldn't be the reason. “So…schools been a little ruff…” I mumbled in a pathetic attempt to make conversation, immediately after that I gave myself a mental facepalm. I was never good at handling awkward situations since they normally didn't have that problem.

I looked over to him to see him looking down on the ground lost in his thoughts. 

“Deku?” I called out to him to get his attention while waving my hand in front of him, ” Huh? Oh yeah… it has with all the training and exams we have to do” He said, turning his head towards me as we kept walking across the street. We continued to walk to school in silence, both of us uttered a few words but nothing to start a conversation, let alone make the atmosphere lighten. 

Once we got to school we parted ways and went to our desks. The girls approached me and we talked for a few minutes. “Um... Hey guys, does Deku look kinda depressed today? When we were walking to school it was so awkward which isn’t normal” I ask, turning to look at Deku to see him staring into space with his arms propping his head up. “ Now that you mention it, he does look out of it today.” Yaoyorozu commented, putting a finger to her chin as a sign of thinking.  “he’s always like that  to be honest, I wouldn’t worry too much, plus with exams, it's no wonder he looks so lifeless. He seems like the type of person to stay up all night studying” Mina exclaimed, brushing the subject off. “ Yeah I guess....it's just unlike him, I’ll ask him later what's on his mind.” Uraraka mumbled.

The day went by extremely slowly, training happened as usual. While we were leaving to get out of their sweating costumes, I saw Deku and ran up to him. “ Hey! That move you did was so cool! you've gotta give me some pointers, I assume you had some in your notebook.” I exclaimed extra bubbly than normal. “Hmm? Oh yeah, I have notes for you” Deku said calmly as he reached into his book bag to get his notes. He seemed fine and not at all like he was this morning so I just took the notebook, thanked him and left.

As I was walking away I heard someone call my name. I turned around to investigate to see Deku walking towards me. “Thank you.” He said smiling, but the smile wasn’t normal, it was almost sympathetic. “ Y-Your welcome?... For what” I asked looking away confused, “ Just in general, you’ve always been a good friend..so I'm letting you know that you're appreciated..” Deku said before walking away to go to the boys' locker room. Well, that was weird I thought, walking to the girls' locker room to get changed.


When school day finally ended everyone started leaving the classroom. I was still looking at Dekus' notes. After I was done with them I quickly put them in my bag and left, I waited for a few minutes before Iida came out. “Modoriya isn’t coming with us, he said he had to do something, and we could go ahead.” Iida beemed, in his weird robotic voice and movements.

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