Hanahaki disease AU

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May 18- It hurts. It hurts so bad. This feeling in my throat, it's aching.

Never in the world would Uraraka have thought she would be in love. After all, her whole life's plan was to help my parents financially and not have to worry about money. Live a peaceful life, and everyday after work she would just sit on her couch, eat chips and binge watch TV shows, and maybe make a few friends along the way. And maybe get a cat or some type of animal to keep her company. No rules. Nothing to get on valentines day. Save money. That was her perfect plan! Though, when she was little her parents would say that she would change my mind and eventually meet someone special, but it never happened. That was until she met him. Cliche, she knows but it's true.

she doesn't know what it is about him. At first glance he's just a normal boy. Having a wild dream about being the number one hero? Heard that one before. Has been bullied before, only to get extremely strong? What is this, a movie?

But then...she looks at him, and her once racing mind is completely at ease. He's so kind to her, is that it? Could it be his cute freckles that were placed symmetrically across from each other on his face? His warm and reassuring smile that would make her heart feel as if it were to burst as soon as he dared to show it? Maybe that he was willing to save anyone no matter what they did to him in the past, the consequences, or if he even knew them? Or was it how he jumped up in the air and punched the robot so ruthlessly during the entrance exams? Whatever it was, it was captivating. And it made her fall in deep, really deep.

She had tried to ignore her feelings and push it away at first, but they just kept coming back. So, she did what any person would do. Which is apparently keeping it inside.

There was no way that she was going to let her selfish feelings get in the way of a perfectly good friendship that had been built up for about 2 years. And it was going great.. Until she felt a long sharp pain on her chest.

June 13- My body feels as if it's rusting.

Here she is, in the bathroom with her back against the bathtub outer wall, hugging her knees which are close as can be to her stomach. While all of her friends are outside in the common room, having a 'Class 1A Sleepover', having fun......without her. Not that she expected anything more from them in the first place. But the image of all her friends gossiping or having fun without her replayed in her mind. The image of deku gossiping or having fun without her replayed in her mind. It was excruciating.

She felt it again. That horrible feeling in her chest. she immediately moved over to the toilet to release whatever was blocking her lungs from breathing. The nausea clawed at her throat, normally She would try and force it down, but she didn't have the energy to stop it at this point.

Chunks of blood and flowers came rushing out. Choking her, making her grip on the toilet seat below. The pain isn't sharp like a needle point or a knife, but instead burns around her insides like boiling water. Though it sort of had a pleasant feeling to it, maybe it was because she ignored it for so long and it was good to finally let it out? Or maybe she was just being a masochist. Once she was finally done for at least a few minutes, she gasped for air as if it was the only breath she would get for the rest of her life, and to be frank, she half believed it. She looked down at the mess she had just created below her, the "masterpiece" consists of blood, a little bit of food she had eaten during the day, and green hydrangea (the picture above), which was what she had assumed to be Dekus favorite flower.

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