Chapter 1

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I slung my bag over shoulder as I headed towards Cloud 9.

I'm Quinn Sosa, 18 years old and fresh out of high school, I decided to take a year off before college just to save up for it so I don't have to use my parents money.

(let's pretend amy has two brothers, instead of one)

My dad owns multiple businesses and my mom is a fashion designer and they had me at 23, and they're both 5 years older than my aunt, who I am moving in with today.

I stepped into the door, smiling at the greeter before bumping right into Amy.

"Quinn!" She screamed hugging me tightly as I laughed.

"Hey." I said she pulled away smiling at me.

"I am so happy you're here! But I have something important to do so... Jonah!" Amy yelled as a hot guy came over.

"Jonah this is my niece Quinn. Quinn this is Jonah he will be helping you today." Amy said.

"Actually I was doing stuff with..." He stopped when he saw me.

"Kay, bye!" Amy ran off smiling like she has planned this.

"You know if you have something else to do, I can..."

"No!" He yelled out as everyone stared at us and he quickly cleared his throat.

"I mean, I can help you... come on." He said.

Jonah showed me around until we made it to the break room.

"Here's your locker, and inside should be." He opened it up.

"Your name tag and vest." He handed them to me.

"Thanks Jonah." I said before putting everything on.

We stood there in silence for like 2 minutes until I cleared my throat.

"Don't you have something to do?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I was getting cups... but sense I have to show you around, you can help me bring the cups." I chucked.

"Lead the way." I said as we made our way out of the break room.

Jonah and I kept on pushing each other as we made our way to Glenn.

"Hey, uh, Glenn?" Jonah asked as we went to him with cups.

"Jonah, I'm talking medicine with this nurse. Oh, I'm sorry, is that offensive? Do we say doctor now?" Glenn asked.

"Only to doctors." The nurse told him.

"Where should we put the cups?" Jonah asked.

"Put them over there with the rest... I set up a little juice station at the entrance sort of a healthy treat to get people in the mood." Glenn said as I rose a brow.

"You know that juice isn't healthy right?" Jonah and I both said.

"Juice? It's from a fruit it's like the healthiest thing on the planet." Glenn rolled his eyes.

"They're right. Fruit juice is loaded with sugar." She agreed with us.

"Oh, good to know. I guess Jonah and Quinn who I haven't met before is right, and I'm something else."

"Hey, uh, did you see the documentary "Fed Up"?" Jonah asked us.

"Oh, with Katie Couric?"


"Loved it. Did you see "Fork over Knife"?" She asked us.

"Oh my God." I said

"I was devastated by it." Jonah agreed.

"Have you guys seen Babe 2: Pigs in the City"?" Glenn asked as the three of us looked at him.

"I seemed to have wined up with two copies at my house."

"We're going to uh, put these away." I said before dragging Jonah to the front.

"Have you actually seen those documentaries?" He asked.

"Yes, I actually want to become a doctor." I said as I poured myself a cup of juice.

"Oh. I never asked why you came here." We began walking.

"I finished high school last year, and my parents wanted to pay for it but all my life, they have payed for everything so I wanted to pay my own way in. So Amy said I could move in with her and so she got me this job." I said.

"Makes sense. What do your parents do?"

"Dad owns multiple businesses and mom is a fashion designer." I said.

"Nice, well, I'm happy you're here. There's been no new people since Mateo and I started." Jonah said.

"Amy was talking about a Mateo and a Jeff, over the phone last night." I said.

"Has she said anything about me?"

"Only that you're annoying and a know it all... but she says that about me so don't worry."

"Let me show you around more, and I'll show you that I am not annoying." I laughed as he dragged me away.

Jonah and I were laughing as we made our way to the back but stopped as we saw Glenn.

"Hey, Glenn, you want a little help with that, those can be a little tricky."

"I know, how to ride a bike. I've been doing this since I was 19." I rose a brow.

"Oh, all right." Jonah said as Glenn started struggling.

"Yeah, you know what, I... these things are ridiculous. How 'bout I just help ya, maybe adjust some of the..."

"You know what? Why don't you just adjust your mouth to closed? Okay, buddy?" Glenn told Jonah.

"I mean, what are you? The president of bikes?" The seat went lower.

"You... are you okay? Glenn?"

"Are you okay? Glenn?" I asked.

"I'm okay." Glenn rasped out.

I watched as Glenn and Jonah fought.

"These are slippery little things, aren't they?" Jonah asked.

"Yeah, well, it's tough."

"You... you know what, let me... let me just
go ahead and help ya."

"No, but that's what I'm doing. I'm a grownup." Glenn argued.

"Yeah, no, it's... it's fine... I'm gonna take your foot, and I'm gonna just slide it into the cage, okay?" Jonah asked.

"Just... just gonna slide it in." He said.

"That's the voice you use with confused seniors. Don't do that." Glenn said.

"No, that's-I'm not doing... This is just the way I talk." I giggled before covering my mouth.

"Fine, you can do that foot... I'll work on this one, okay?"

"No, Glenn, that's... that's not how a bike works."

Quinn Sosa  -Jonah SimmsWhere stories live. Discover now