Chapter 01

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Song for this chapter: Stronger by Britney Spears


Once upon a time there lived a ruthless queen who brought down everyone who crossed her path, didn't even bat an eyelash before killing a soul but even the most ruthless of them all in history were not untouchable so how could be this queen?

She suffered and hurt before her soul left her body. But she left behind a part of her. A part of her dangerous soul who grew up to become just as ruthless as she. Who grew up to destroy the world and then rebuild it so it could rule it.

This story is a lot more complicated than any you've ever read before. In this story, several lives are intertwined together. One life affects several others without even knowing about it. Every action one of the characters takes affects the others in one way or the other but they have no idea if it for the best or the worst. This story is revenge and thus, full of malice. Everyone has a motive.

Secrets. Betrayal. Lies.

Every living person is a sinner in a way or the other. None of us is a saint. Neither you nor the person next to you.

I, Veronica Roberts, am just another one of those sinners. With a tainted heart and broken soul. This story does not start with me but my mother. And to make you understand my story, I must tell you hers.

The story of the highest bitch in charge.


Life has a lot in store for us but it's not always the best. Sometimes it contains heartbreaks and secrets. Sometimes it tests us way too much. Sometimes it breaks us way too many times. But in the end, it teaches us to be strong, to be able to handle every situation, every difficulty it throws at us.

Now you may be wondering why I am telling you this. You got a point there. But it's just to give you an idea of what my life is like. Yep. We are talking about my life which has been crazy. I sometimes think the person writing my story got a little too carried away. Or maybe they just hate me. Hold up! Did I introduce myself? No? My bad. This is what I get for ranting way too much.

Anyways, let's start again. Hello there! I'm Nora Roberts, a twenty-three-year-old college student. I'm not your average college girl though. I am the daughter of the leader of The Chicago Outfit. I am the heir to one of the deadliest mafia groups in the world.

I like the power. I live for it. And I dream of ruling the world someday. Destroy it. Conquer it. Rule it.

I'm the one who never thinks twice before putting a bullet through someone's head. You come in my way; you die. It's as simple as that. I'm the one no one dares cross. They call me 'queen bitch'. Not only the ones at my university, but the whole city fears me. Not because I'm the daughter of the most dangerous man in the whole country but also because I'm a ruthless savage.

So where was I? Yes. We were talking about my life. My life is not as easy as it seems. I get what I want, I do as I please. But one thing. There's one thing that I never got, one thing I craved for, searched for, and died wanting.

My loves, there is one force in this world that can bring down anyone, one force that everybody wants, even a ruthless bitch like me. And that force is love. It sucks and hurts like a bitch, but it consumes you in such a way that you can't make your way out.

My days were going pretty smoothly until... Yes until. Until Ryan Miller himself decided to ruin it for me. That idiot turned my life upside down in a matter of few months, and trust me, not for the good. He played a dangerous game with me and thought he won.

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