Ice Cream with a Side of Homophobia

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Hannah and I were out on an ice cream date at Cold Stone (I love that ice cream place it's amazing) getting cookies and cream milkshake for Hannah and a cotton caddy flavored pint of ice cream for me. "You wanna go to the park after this and go for a walk?" Hannah asks while slightly hugging my arm, adorable Hannah always loves being active so if we are not already having a date at the park we will most likely go to the park after to just walk around. "Sure, anything for you" ok, me and Hannah are cheesy bitches, we will act mushy and gushy in public because we just don't care but of course there are those bitches who some shit to say that ends up ruining our mushy gushy moments and today was no exception. 

Behind us was a mother with a young girl who I would assume was her daughter who looked to be about 4 maybe 5, all she was trying to do was look at which ice cream she wanted when her mom crouched down next to her and started talking about us "Cary you see those two girls and how they are acting?" "yes, mama" "I just want you to know that you should never date or act like that with another girl ok? its wrong and its a sin, people who go against God's wishes like that will go to hell and you don't want to go to hell, right?" "No mama" "good girl" she then stands up and pats her head. Does she not realize we are right in front of her and can hear her talking about us LIKE BITCH WE CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU.

 I tense up and can already feel my blood boiling, I look over at Hannah, she has this look of dread and sadness and she gently lets go of my arm and hugs herself, little fact about Hannah is that whenever we are in these situations she hugs herself to try and give herself comfort so she doesn't start to cry. She has a big heart which means she breaks even harder OH THATS IT BITCH YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG PERSON TODAY. I whip myself around to look at the mother and daughter, this had not been my first rodeo so I already knew what to say to get her to shut her damn mouth "I'm sorry I am just here with my girlfriend getting ice cream, we are doing absolutely nothing at all that would be hurting you so what seems to be the problem here"

 The mother seems to be shocked by my sudden comment but quickly goes back to being the snobby bitch she is "I just don't wanna see you, do such shameful things in front of my daughter, unlike you I don't want to go to hell and neither does my she so if you wouldn't mind would you stop showing off your relationship as if it's ok being gay" "is it a sin to love someone? is it a sin to want to spread love in the world when it is clear all you want to do is hate on people for doing that, I'm sorry that you feel so entitled to not only think its ok to say stuff like that in front of us when we wanted no problem with you but that you think you're better than us for telling someone they can't show affection to their significant other in public. We are dealing with global warming, murder, home invasions, and people are getting raped every single day yet you think it's more important for me to stop caring the love of my life than to stop our earth from dying, then we are not the problem in this world it's ignorant, entitled, BITCHES LIKE YOU WHO MAKE LGBTQ+ KIDS WANNA KILL THEMSELVES BECAUSE IF THE WORLD HAS YOU IN IT IT'S JUST TO UNBEARABLE!!" at this point everyone in the store is staring at us and Hannah looks uncomfortable so I figure I should just end this already "I mean no ill towards you and I truly wish you and your daughter enjoy your day, but please leave me and girlfriend alone while we try to enjoy our day as well".

I turn back around and our orders are already finished "Thank you very much" "good job with that lady I wouldn't have been that calm" "Thanks" the cashier gives me a little cup with Oreos "Here it's on the house, I hope you have a wonderful day and don't worry she is just some random bitch who doesn't see the beauty in your relationship" He gives us and giant smile and before we go I look back at see him be a complete bitch back to her while she tries to order

Hannah and I walk out of the store and get to our car I take our treats out of her hands put in the car before going to her and hugging her as tightly as I could before screaming at the top of my lungs "THIS GIRL IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND I WILL BE AS GAY AS I WANT WITH HER SO DEAL WITH IT WORLD!" "OH MY GOD JODI SHUT UP YOU'RE BEING SO LOUD" "THAT'S THE POINT, MY LOVE!" she puts her hands on my mouth to shut me up but I just move her hands away and kiss her "wanna go to the park now?" "yes, and Jodi" "yeah?" "Thank you" "anything for you".


Ok so this was based on the first time I got one of these moments and it was just a dirty look for wearing a rainbow wristband but it made me feel a lot like Hannah in this chapter and I wished that someone would have been my Jodi and told them to go fuck off but sadly at that moment I just felt alone so I decided to write it. I hope you like this chapter and have a wonderful day AND PLEASE STAY SAFE OUT THERE.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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