Chapter 15

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In my room, I grabbed the maps which Turi had left on the large chest that contained my weapons and armor. In a flash, I was back with Frigga and Thor who were both frowning, impatient to have me return. I handed Thor the rolled up plans and said, "Take a look. These are plans for dozens of major locations around the world. I wish I had a way to tell what he's planning but just from these maps I have to accept that it's something very big and very bad." Thor nodded and unfurled the scrolls, smoothing the paper over his knees. He looked even more awkward now. Something Frigga noticed too. She got up and went to a small low table that sat at the foot of her bed. Bringing it over, she set it in front of Thor who gave her a grateful glance, then he scrunched up his forehead as he studied sheet after sheet. A few moments passed before he sat back, his spine stiff. "Are these not the plans to the house of the American President?" Thor pointed and as I grabbed it and turned it around, an iron band of fear tightened around my chest. How had I missed it? Blood drained from my face as I stared at the plans for the White House. Then I knelt beside the table and began to flip through the papers. The Vatican, Buckingham Palace, the UN headquarters in New York, and a host of other important locations around the world. I sucked in a harsh breath. "It must be a terror plot, against the whole world. We have to warn them," I whispered, relinquishing the plans to Thor as I began to pace. "What do you suggest we do?" Frigga asked as she rose and headed to the balcony. She moved her hands listlessly, as if she needed something but didn't know what it was. I suspected I knew what she really needed. Or who. I moved to her side reluctantly, unsure what to say to make her feel better. But we had to get down to business and maybe that business would get her mind off her absent husband. "I think we need to inform them. All the people Loki has targeted need to be told of the danger. We have to tell them what's going on and ask for their help." "And who is to say that Loki hasn't already infiltrated their defenses?" asked a voice from the doorway. Fenrir stood there, leaning against the threshold, arms folded, steel-gray eyes glittering. Had he overheard us talking about him? Then I banished the thought. In light of what had just happened to Asgard and to Midgard, the last thing Fen would be doing was indulging in self-pity. "Good point," I said nodding, giving him a small welcome smile. Fen pushed off the threshold and walked to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I heard about Joshua. Don't worry, he will recover. He is strong." I nodded and looked away, at once feeling both embarrassed and cared for. A strange combination of emotions. "Both Frigga and Eir have said he'll be fine," I said the words and yet I was afraid to believe them. And knowing how well Fen had grown to know me, I knew he could tell. At least he didn't say anything further on the topic. He cleared his throat and pointed at the stack of papers Thor had laid on the table. "Of those buildings, which are the most important?" "The White House. Without a doubt." The words popped out automatically. "Okay. Then my suggestion is we take a team to the White House, and speak to your President immediately, offer him protection, anything to get him to assist us in getting the rest of the likely targets on board." "I agree. I will take Jo-" I stopped speaking. What was I thinking? I couldn't take Joshua with me. "Okay, I'll take Suri for her fire power. I would take Aimee but I was hoping to take as small a team as possible since we've already had so many casualties." Fen grunted then nodded, his eyes still focused on the plans. "This is just what Loki would want." Fen sighed and scratched his head as he frowned. "But we have no choice. I would have suggested a larger team as well, but maybe for now small is the way to go. And I will join you to back you up." "So few?" asked Thor, frowning as if he'd expected us take an army into the President's house. "Shall I come with you?" His fingers flexed and I wondered if taking Thor would be good protection, especially if he brought Mjolnir with. That hammer can do some epic damage. But then I shook my head. "We don't want to put the President on the offensive by bombarding him with a huge battalion. I want to go straight into the Oval office, speak to him and get his response, and then leave immediately. A few minutes at the most." Thor scowled. "And if he refuses, or if he's already Loki's puppet?" he asked folding his arms. He wasn't happy to be left out of the visit. "Then we take him out of there, bring him to Asgard. If he's just guilty of making the wrong decision then we keep him safe until it's all over, or you and Frigga can work him over until he agrees to help us. If he's Loki's man possessed then we find a way to free him. And we all know what we'll do if he turns out to be a glamored Jotunn." And it was no joke by the expressions on the faces of all the occupants of the room. "Oh, and speaking of Jotunn. What did we do to the guy I brought back from Loki's little prison?" Thor shrugged, as if the well-being of a frost giant was none of his concern. "He couldn't provide us with any usable information. Seems Loki even keeps his thugs in the dark about his overall plans. We sent him straight down to the dungeon. He's keeping the good doctor company." Not physically, I hoped. I suppressed the comment and said, "Okay. And you've just reminded me of something else." I glanced at Frigga and then to Fen. "Have you heard anything about Aidan's funeral? I suppose with this disaster any plans would go out the window." Fen shook his head, his expression filled with worry. He'd been through his own world of grief not too long ago and Aidan's death was something he could empathize with. I hoped it didn't open too many of his wounds, and even if it did I'd probably never know. Fen was a very private man. "We had thought that you may want to speak with his mother. Also, the doctor has not been told. Neither the mother nor the sister have requested to see him. I was wondering if you planned on informing him?" I frowned, knowing very well why the doctor's wife and daughter were unwilling to see him. He'd been the one to put Aidan in danger one too many times. But Loki was Dr Lee's father, so I wasn't too sure I could expect the man to have any more feelings than his own father had displayed so far. "I thought we'd granted the doctor permission to spend a limited amount of time with his daughter?" I asked. Fen bent his head to look at me. "Bryn, it's only been a couple days." I sighed. I'd needed the reminder. "It feels like weeks." I sat a moment to think about my next steps. "Okay. Let me tell him. I'm wondering if Dr Lee might have something to offer in terms of information." Fen nodded. "That's a good idea." I turned to the door then did an about face. "So I suppose we don't have any way to know for sure if Loki let his serpent son loose. What if the prophecy is unraveling as it was foretold. Maybe we're giving Loki too much credit?" I asked and watched Thor consider my words. "Would you be able to investigate the serpent's behavior a little further?" Something told me there was more to know than met the eye. Thor rose and paced a few feet. "Let me see what I can find out, although, even for a god, going under the sea may certainly be a one way trip." Frigga smiled. "I wish there was a way to get in touch with Odin." She sighed and wrapped her arms around her body tightly. "I don't think we need to," I said. "What do you mean?" "I think he already knows," I said softly. "Wherever he is I think he's able to watch what's going on in our world. But he needs his strength. I only hope that he has the good sense not to try and materialize in Asgard because he thinks he can be of some help." Frigga snorted, the inelegant sound drawing smiles from both the men in the room. "He is stubborn enough to do just that. But I too hope he restrains himself." "Right, I think I will be off to the dungeons for now." I headed for the door.

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