May 4, 2020.

36 2 0


Normally I don't write this early but I just have some stuff I need to get off of my chest.

I'm starting to get really depressed about not having any money. I was supposed to start work as soon as I turned eighteen, and right then is when this whole pandemic started.

Everyone else has money and is able to provide for themselves except for me. By now I would likely have had my new computer and such, but instead I'm stuck here. Can't earn any money.

And as a result I'm getting insanely pissed at the people who think it's smart to protest. Because the longer they keep their shit up getting each other sick, the longer we all have to stay stuck here.

Wash your hands, and for the love of God, stay home. This shit's getting on my nerves now.


Aside from the whole depression thing, today was a pretty good day. Dinner was okay, it was another pasta dish. It tasted alright, but it was filling.

I finally got to put the pastel purple in my hair! It ended up looking a little different than expected, but it still looks really cool! After my hair was all done, we took pictures in the front yard.

After that, I hung out with Zach for a while and watched him edit some YouTube videos. The one he's working on now looks really good!

After a while of that, I played some airsoft for a few hours to wrap up the day.

An alright day, I guess. Some good parts, some bad. I hope this quarantine ends soon, I really want to get a job so I can save up for my new computer.

Also, this is entry #50.

Later, everyone.

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