The sun

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I hate the day
Love the night
The sun shows me the day
The light on the world
The world of hate.

A creature of the night.
A creature that has unbelievable sight.
I see everything

The hurt of that girl
The fear in that boy.
A demon in that father
A angel in that mother

The bruises in his face
The tear streaked on her cheeks
The make up to hide the lack of sleep
The long sleeves to cover the cuts

But I am a shadow myself.
No one sees me.
The girl in the long jeans
The over sized hoodie
The hair covering my face.

The fragile way I move
The soft voice I speak with.
They don't see my pain.
They don't see the bruises

Nor the cuts on my arms
All they see is the beautiful smile
The eyes that sparkle
The hair that shines
The perfectly makeup covered face.

If only they knew
The hours I cry
The hours I scream
The razors I've sharpened

It's all a mask
A perfect one
So fake
A lie

But one they believe.

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