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What are these footprints in my blood? They don't look very human like...

Not even seconds after he left I feel pain. It started from the bite but then lead to my jaw. I scream in pain. My blood litters the floor. I'm going to need a lot of bleach to get that out. I look down at my hands to see they have claws instead of nails. I grab my face as it's pain is getting worse. I accidentally catch both sides of my jaw with the claws and they carve into my face. More of my  blood pools out onto the floor. I fall to the floor as I grab my stomach. My bones begin cracking in various of places. I feel myself growing in height. I feel every crack. Soon my voice stops because I have screamed to much. Now all that comes out are choked sound and snarls. I roll on the floor as my spine cracks and I let out a growl as I roll. Soon all the pain stops. I get up and stumble around. I step in my blood. I look at it. What? That's not even a footprint. The toes are clawed... I look down at my foot to see it covered in dark black fur. I look up in the mirror hanging on the wall. I look into it. I- I'm a werewolf? The spot were I cut my face is covered in white fur forming a smile. The rest of my fur a dark black.

Cliff hanger. And I have writers block. -cries-

255 words.

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