"Livia!!!" I woke up to the annoying voice of my twin brother. Who is my twin brother you may ask? He is none other that the one any only Josh Richards. Yes the Josh Richards that all the horny little 12 and 13 year olds can girl over and pay 150 for a hug and picture. Any way back to the story.
O- what do you want joshua?! I said in a very aggravated tone J- I'm boredddd He said while floping on top of me
O- get off of me you fat ass I wanna sleep J- well idc. WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU LAZY BITCH!! He screamed in my ear so what did I do? I asked him up side the head. O- but joshhhh J- no buts you know you should move to la with me.
I shot up as best as I could with Josh still on top of me. Josh and I are very close, so when he moved to la it was hard for the both of us.
O- Really?!? J- yeah I already asked the management and the boys and they said it was aight so it's up to you. O- OMG! Yes! Yes! Yes! I love you so much rn!!
I guess you are wondering where our parents are. Well let me explain. So when Josh and I were 16, our parents were in a fatal car accident and sadly passed away. It's hard sometimes but Josh and I are always there for each other. We stayed together in our old house which is located in Canada.
J- yeah so hurry up and pack. We leaving on friday. There is an extra room that is fully furnished so don't worry bout all that k? Today was currently Tuesday and I was beyond excited!
**Time skip** We have finally landed in la and I was wearing this:
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osh was grabbing my luggage for me and being a gEnTlEmAn. Josh started walking towards these three boys and a girl. The boys bro hugged Josh and the girl side hugged him. J-Liv I would like to introduce you to my best friends here in la. I have only met one of joshs friends and his name is sam Hurley J- That's Anthony He said while pointing to a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes A- hi nice to finally meet you He said while giving me a small side hug J- That's jaden He said while pointing to the hottest of the three boys. He had black hair and ocean blue eyes you could get lost in Ja- hi I'm jaden He said really nervously. He gave me a small hug and pulled away blushing. ??- My boy jaden over here be simping The boys said while everyone was laughing with him J- Liv that's bryce B- hey it's great to meet you He said while giving me a hug J- And last but not least we have A- ?- Hi! My name is Avani! I'm Anthony's girlfriend but I can tell we are going to be the best of friends! She said wrapping me in a huge hug that I returned O- OMG it is so great to meet all of you guys! Av- Ahh! I can't believe I'm not the only girl any more (An- avani is apart of the away house in this) B- hey we aren't that bad are we? He said fake offensively Ja- my heart He said holding his heart and fake crying causing all of us to laugh. This was a start to a new life. I can't wait to see what the future holds.