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Chapter 1

Hi I'm Sara I'm umm how do I explain this... Well a wolf. Shhhhh I know what you're thinking, A WOLF!?!?! Well yah. I transferred to Tri-county Intermediate school in Georgia. Right now I'm running to school. Yah I'm literally RUNNING to school, but not in my fur. That would be stupid.

Soo I'm at school, well technically going in the door. "Oh hello Sara you must be the new girl! I'm Mrs. Farney, the secretary here at Tri-County!" She said VERY perky.😕.... Any way... She took me to the class room. I'm in 6th grade. "Ok here we are Mr. Haskins room!" Mrs. Farney said.

I walked in the class room and saw two girls coming up to me. "Hi I'm Maddie and this is Jessica." She said. "I'm Sara Wolf." I said. Maddie looked at my ears. "Why do you have wolf ears?" She said. I looked up and noticed my ears. "Ummm it's its umm for well it's a thing we have in our family." I stuttered. She looked at me and said, "Oh okay!" Then she sat back down. Wow I thought what a small classroom . My room is bigger than this!! Considering its a cave.. Haha. "Hello class for our first subject math." Said the teacher. I forgot his name. "Class we have a new student here!" He said than pointed at me to tell me to come to the front. Every one is going to notice my ears... "Class, this is Sara Wolf. She is from Tennessee." Said Mr. Haskins. Everyone pointed and laughed at me except for the teacher, Jessica, and Maddie. That's when I started to growl. "GRRRRRR." everyone stopped and stared that's when I stopped. I ran out the door to the bath room.

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