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Once I left think I hid. I saw Abby coming out with a bloody lip. It's called you mess with me you get the claws!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA sorry it's a wolf thang. 😊 "SARA? SARA WHERE ARE YOU?!" said Jacob. I didn't say a word. All he did was sit on the bench.

I decided I should go over there sooooo that's what I did. "Sara you're here!" Jacob said. "We'll I heard you yelling for me and I decided to get out of my hiding zone." I said. "And where is that?" He said. "That's for me to know and you to find out later." I said while nudging him with my shoulder playfully. All of a sudden we looked at each other. Then we kissed!!!! It felt SOOOO amazing!!! "Wow your a good kisser!" He said. I laughed. I then said. "Jacob? Umm.. Can I trust you?" "Yah what is it Sara?" He said. "Well. Jacob I'm a wolf!"

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