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(ooOoh lookit THAT I found some time to pUbLisH soMEthiNG)

I removed the image that was once here lol, as it didn't fit the chapter. However, it was very cute, and I recommend y'all check out the artist ;D  They're called xAstronx on Deviantart!!

I DECIDED (well my friends decided) THAT I NEEDED SOME FLUFF





          Winter was upon the tundra. The high mountains of the biome were covered in glistening white, and the trees were draped in fluffy powder. A small cabin, the roof piled high with the white glitter, nestled snugly in the mountains, the back part overlooking a large cliff that dropped away to a snowy meadow. Spruce trees surrounded the small, wooden dwelling, standing tall and straight as if they guarded the occupant of the little cabin. Said occupant was just now beginning to awaken, as the golden sun peered over the mountains before the cabin, shining gently on his sleeping face.

          "Ugghh..." Jake grimaced and rolled over as golden light shone on his face, falling with a thump to the floor. Drowsily, he blinked open dark brown eyes, wondering why morning had to come so early. Yawning, he tried to stretch, only to realize his legs were hopelessly entangled in his orange blanket. He grumbled, kicked himself free, and stood, stretching one hand towards the ceiling, the other brushing his semi-long, blond hair out of his eyes. Lowering his stretching arm, he looked, absentmindedly, at the ice pick, leather pack, unstrung bow, and quiver of arrows sitting by the door, wondering why they were there. Usually, they were with his hunting and trapping equipment.

          Then he remembered, and his eyes widened, "Oh Notch, I nearly forgot!" His face broke into a grin as he hurried to give the dying fire some wood. His friend Steve would arrive that day, as he did every year, to cut ice. The miner would be bringing fresh vegetables and meats as well, as precious little of those would be found during the winter in the tundra. Jake quickly set about getting some breakfast into him, washing his face and checking to see if the iron he'd found yesterday had smelted. It still hadn't finished.

          He finished eating some tough, beef jerky and carrots, chewing as he surveyed his little one-room cabin. It was made of spruce logs, about 9x8 blocks and warmed by a constant fire in the fireplace. Cozy but not too crowded. A pile of blankets was in another corner, near some emergency firewood, that would be where Steve would sleep. The man liked to stay at least a couple of nights, just visiting, sharing stories of his adventures as a miner.

          As Jake checked his food supplies, he chuckled as he remembered his first meeting with the miner. He'd found Steve while out hunting, the miner had been nearly frozen and incoherent, leaning limply against a large spruce tree. Thinking the man to just be asleep, Jake had thrown a snowball at his slightly blue-tinged face, calling out a friendly insult. When Jake had realized that the miner was dying, he'd nearly panicked, and felt awful for pelting him with snow. Later, when Steve had woken up, he told Jake he'd figured that he would be fine in the colder temperatures and altitudes. He turned out to be very wrong.

          Jake snapped out of the memory, remembering he needed to get some snow to melt for water, and grab some frozen meat from the shed, he'd use them to make a stew for that night's dinner. The tall, lithe blond took off and neatly folded his sleepwear, then dressed warmly in a tan, fur-lined coat with a furry hood, deep brown wool trousers with a wide, grey belt, and tan boots layered with wolf fur. Swirling a grey cloak about his shoulders and tucking a deep brown, wool scarf over his mouth, he snatched up and threw the long strap of a small leather bag over his shoulder. It usually hung next to the door, and contained a few medical supplies, as it was dangerous to go out in the tundra without at least some bandages. Buckling his shortsword onto his back and yanking on some grey gloves, the blond grabbed a bucket and forced open his door, grunting and pushing snow aside to get out.

All That From A Snowball (A Herobrine Adoption Story)Where stories live. Discover now