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"Calm down, one thing at a time. We're about to hold a meeting. We'll fill you in about stuff then."  Taeyong said opening the door, allowing Donghyuck to go first.

Donghyuck just nodded.


Donghyuck and Taeyong walked the hallways in silence. Donghyuck was observing every detail he could without being too behind Taeyong.

Their base was very big, also filled with expensive things. All Donghyuck could think of was that this entire place could cost more than his entire existence.

Taeyong stopped short causing Donghyuck to bump into him.

"We've arrived at the room where the meeting is being held. It looks like everyone is present." Taeyong said peeking through the doorway.

"Well, do we go in or just stand here?" Donghyuck asked sarcastically.

Taeyong rolled his eyes.

"Before we go in I just want to let you know that the members are going to have mixed feeling about you. It would best if you didn't say anything, unless you are being addressed." Taeyong said slowly so Donghyuck would understand every word he was saying.

Donghyuck nodded. The fact that he needed a warning made him a little more scared than before. He could only hope none of the other members tries to kill him.

Taeyong opened the double doors and the boys who were being loud and chasing each other around the room turned quiet and returned to their seats.

Donghyuck could feel eyes all over him, which made him very uncomfortable.

Taeyong took a seat at the end of the table after pulling a chair for Donghyuck so that way the boy could sit next to him.

The room was silent for a moment. Donghyuck decided to quickly count how many of them there was.

There was 20 of them including himself.

"So-" Taeyong's deep voice disrupted the silence.

"If you guys haven't noticed, we have a new member."

Taeyong was right. They all had different reactions. Some were surprised, some gave him dirty looks, some smiled, and the rest simply looked like they could care less.

"His name is Donghyuck Lee. He was found with BangChan on Mark and I's mission." Taeyong said before he could get bombarded with questions. But he got questioned either way.

"How can you just let him join?"

"How do you know he's not an enemy undercover?"

"What was he doing with BangChan?"

"Why is he cuter than me?"

Everyone attacked Taeyong with questions, some he didn't know the answer.

"Listen everyone!" Taeyong slammed his hand on the table, startling everyone.

"I was just about to answer your questions before you all rudely started to yell at me. I know we're a gang but have some manners." Taeyong paused for a second. "And Jungwoo, I don't know why he's cuter than you so don't ask me." Taeyong said giving Jungwoo a glare.

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