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"Dude, I saw you beat the absolute shit out of Mark a second ago. He's our ace, he's good at everything- of course I'm better than him but don't be so modest, you can last way more than a second."

Donghyuck looked at Johnny- trying to decipher whether the older male was lying.

"fine." The tanned male complied.


Johnny took a swing at Donghyuck, luckily for Hyuck he was able to dodge it. He could tell that Johnny was going easy on him, if he wasn't Donghyuck would be on the floor already.

"C'mon, show mw what you got." Johnny said getting impatient with the tanned male.

Complying with the older male, Donghyuck swung one of his fist at Johnny- which Johnny dodged by ducking under the tanned males arm, which was quite hard considering that Donghyuck was a lot shorter than him. After successfully dodging the punch, Johnny was able to get behind the shorter male and he gave him a shove.

Donghyuck was already starting to get riled up, He didn't know when this started but recently he's been getting really competitive- in the mornings when he went for jogs he would always compete with the cars that were driving past.

Donghyuck swung another fist at Johnny- well aware that Johnny was going to dodge and most likely pull the same duck and shove move again. As Donghyuck predicted, Johnny just did as he said. As Johnny was preparing to go underneath the punch, Hyuck unexpectedly lifted his left leg and was able to kick Johnny square in the head.

Johnny stumbled a bit but was able to stop himself from falling completely. The two started toexchange punches and kicks after Johnny gained his balance.

Donghyuck was the first to fall- making him the loser of their little match. Johnny extended his hand to help the younger male up.

"Good try, didn't expect you to last more than five minutes." Johnny chuckled.

"Yea me either."


"Mark, you can't just go starting fights with everyone just cause they tick you off." Taeyong was scolding the younger while he fixed up some of his cuts. Taeil offered to help, considering that its his job and they are inside his med office but Taeyong thought it would be the perfect time to scold Mark.

"I want you to apologize to Hyuck after dinner- speaking of dinner- if you two start anything while we are having valuable family time I will personally beat the shit out of the both of you." Taeyong. Continued scolding Mark. Mark was listening but at the same time he wasn't. He tends to get scolded by Taeyong a lot. He is well aware it's because he's a hothead but he couldn't help it. Everything found a way to trigger him- even the happy things.

"Ok, can we go now- I can't take anymore of Jaemin's complaining." Mark said hopping of the counter.

"Hey!" Jaemin yelled from the other side of the curtain.


"Hyuck, hurry up! Everyone is waiting for us." Johnny yelled after his roommate.

The two males decided to go clean up in their room after training. They actually sat down for a couple of minutes and just talked. Donghyuck was glad to say that the list of people he felt comfortable around has extended to Johnny.

Donghyuck took one more glance at himself in the mirror and whispered some words of encouragement to himself. He wanted to make a good impression, he had a feeling he would get to talk a lot more than in that meeting earlier. Donghyuck didn't know why he cared so much about it- actually, he did. To him this was the world giving him another shot at having a family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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