Just For tonight

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Blossom's POV

I've officially been crying my eyes out for the past three hours. Brick and I have broken up for like the umpteenth time and I just can't do it anymore. I want to be over him, everything keeps pointing to us not working out but I still care about him.

My phone buzzed from under me. My body vibrating with it as I fought to roll over and pick it up. After retrieving it I turned it on to check the message. I unlocked my phone to see my screen saver. It's me and Brick on my birthday. I once again think back to our fight. Maybe the message was from him asking for us to get back together.

My thoughts were wrong.

So very wrong.

It was a notification from my Ex. He had posted a pic of him with a bunch of girls with the caption saying

'Guess whose getting laid'

Part of me wanted to go to Brick and apologize. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was too stubborn this time and I should have just slept with him but I just wanted it to be special. He just wanted to get off and now that we're broken off he can.

I found myself sobbing again.

I feel so lost.

I just want to crawl into a hole and die there.


My heart dropped as a knock came to my door. Was it Brick? I know he was just at a club but maybe he changed his mind. Maybe he wants to talk it out and we can get back-

Together again....

I opened the door to find Butch. Why is he here?

"Hi Butch" I said waving awkwardly.

"Hey" He said while looking down at his feet nervously.

A moment passed while we just stared at one another.

"So why are you here" I asked.

Again he was quiet. It felt weird since we never really talked. We only ever spoke with the other four around otherwise we didn't really say much. I wonder why he came to see me, and could he have picked a worst time.

"You wanna come in" I asked.

He nodded before I moved aside and he walked it.

I watched him as he walked by. He was tall maybe a head taller then me. He was muscular too but not big and bulky but lean and strong looking. His cropped black hair and dark green eyes complimented his lightly tanned skin. He played with his hands as he looked at the floor avoiding direct eye contact with me.

"Is something wrong" I asked.

"It's-" He said before going quiet again.

I moved closer to him placing a hand on his shoulder gently rubbing it as he continued to remain quiet.

"Are you ok" I asked.

He simply nodded before sighing. He grabbed my hand which I was surprised to realize was significantly smaller then his.

Somehow holding his hand like this made my stomach flip. It was like butterflies or something.

"Butch" I said softly as I looked down. What is wrong with me this is your boyfriend's brother. Sure we're broken up but this is just wrong.

After my heart calmed down I just chalked it up these feelings to heartbreak. I just wanted to cling to him because of what happened with Brick, right? It wasn't because I had feeling for Butch.

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