Chapter 1: A couple of years later...

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" You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness." ----- Julia Roberts

I'm Ellie Chu and it has been 5 years since I last saw Squahamish. It has been five years since I last saw Paul. It has been five years since I last spoke to Aster. God knows what has become of the both of them. Dad called me a few times but it is funny how he has never spoken of the both of them, not even Paul.

"Ellie, you know it's going to be the end of our semester soon, wouldn't you want to be back at home? Hearing Mr Chu calling you almost everyday sort of tells me that he really does miss you." 

Eliza was right. Oh who is she? She's my roommate and thank god for her reminder.

"Liza, I almost forgot. It must have been the amount of essays Professor Johnson's making us write for Greek Philosophy that's making me so silly." 

Finally, a chance to head back, the end of the long wait has arrived. I immediately booked a train back to that quaint little town. It was then a thought kept bothering me: Is she doing alright? Is she back from Art School? Is she...sure?

The kiss...Aster...that kiss...a few years ago came back into my head. I didn't exactly left things as to how I really wanted it to be. Aster could've moved on. Aster could've forgotten about me, the thought of me. Argh it's too late, i'm already in the train, it's not like I can crawl, fly or leap back into the dorm. Gotta keep your head up, Ellie. Even if Aster doesn't remember you, Paul does, you're sure he does. There I was, sitting in my seat, alone, on the same exact seat where I sat leaving for Grinnell 5 years ago. Deep down inside of me, I really hope that Aster still does rememeber me and that Paul has yet to forget me too.

"Dear passengers, we have arrived at Squahamish. Do not leave your belongings behind. Next stop, Oakwa."

Gosh what exactly did I pack back home, it literally is one small holiday, what in the world did I think it was? Wonder where's Dad...

" Ellie! 你回来了啊(you are back!)" There he was, my dad, clad in his crisp, black station engineer uniform, smiling so wide at my arrival. Come to think of it, ever since mom left, dad never smiled much. Something in me tells me that he does smile but only when I am not there. Still, in that smile of his, even though glowing with happiness, a part of mom that he misses is still visible, forever peeking through the creeks of his wrinkles.

"爸,我好想您。你这几年没累坏你的身子吧(Dad, I miss you so much. How have you been? How is your health?) ?" My dad's smile still did not fade. He reaches forward to grab a hold of my bags before he could answer me. Whatever I had in those bags surely were not easy for dad to grab a hold of, seeing him refusing to let me help made my heart ached even more. My dad really have aged a lot since I was at Iowa.

" happy you back! Don't worry...I am fine. 看看我(look at me)!" He flexed his muscles and smiled even wider than before. My dad has always tried his best to learn English and use it to connect with me as much as he could ever since mom left. Hearing this, I praised him and told him how in love I was with his English.

Carrying those heavy bags of mine back up to our home, I noticed the bustling and hustling noises of crowds coming from behind my train. It didn't take long before it went away and I could see what all that commotion was all about. People of all ages were all happily sat inside and outside the once abandoned train that the station used to own. Waiters and Waitresses were shouting orders to and fro the inside of the carriage. Up top, the unlit neon sign read "Munsky Bradwurst". As I peered deeper into the busy diner, there he was, Paul Munsky.

He saw me. I saw him too. Well, duh.

Looking like the well-deserved owner he is, Paul ran out of the diner and gave me the biggest hug I have longed for since I left.---

[hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of this fanfic sequel thus far. I am not here to showcase my writing but here to express my own thoughts and views on how the sequel could be :) Really thank you for reading it, stay tuned for chapter 2. Trust me, you would want to read chapter 2. Please do let me know of some suggestions that you want this fanfic to turn out to be or anything that I could improve on for future chapters.]

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