just me and you

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After a few months of the planet battling coronavirus (and losing miserably) the president has announced a national quarentine effective immediately. This meant nobody could go to anyone else's house. Sadly, for Sabrina Carpenter, she was currently crashing at a friend's. It was just the beginning of June, she was just finishing her second year of college. Her parents had recently died in a car crazy and she needed to be somewhere away from her insane family. She wasn't expecting to have to stay with her friend for this long. They didn't even know how long it would be.

Elliot walked in the door holding some groceries. He saw Sabrina laying on the couch watching the news, again. That paranoid girl never stops watching. That TV hadn't switched channels since Sabrina got there. "So how many people died this time?"

"You're not funny." Sabrina said, clearly annoyed.

"Okay I'm sorry, would you like to take five minutes out of your busy day of watching..whatever news channel this is to help me. I'm letting you crash for free and eat all my food, this is the least you could do."

"I told you I would buy my own food," Sabrina rolled her eyes as she rose up from the couch and took some bags out of Elliot's hands.

"Like I would let a music student with no income do that."

Sabrina was visibly irritated by her male friend by now.

"I'm sorry."

"You say that a lot," she scoffed and began putting food away.

"Yes but I forget sometimes that you.. nevermind."

"I what, Elliot?"

"You.. changed. You're not the same Sabrina from high school."

"Yeah no shit. High school was easy, this isn't. Life..is ass."

"I will drink to that," Elliot agreed as he pulled out some vodka.

"How'd you get that?"

"Friends that work in a store is very very convenient when you're a 20 year old alcoholic."

Sabrina just nodded and turned away, pretending she knew what the hell he was talking about.

They quickly finished putting away all the groceries right in time for a breaking news announcement from the president.

"Good afternoon America. I hope we will be getting everyone's attention. As of right now, we are on a national quarentine order. This means everyone must stay inside unless you are under the list of circumstances posted on the screen. The same lost will be on my social media and website. We will be having 24 hour surveillance on everyone, yes, we can do that. I apologize for the short notice but this is a crisis. We have not been acting accordingly but now we must. Everyday Americans are dying from this virus is another day I will not sleep, and doctors and nurses and scientists will not sleep. We will find a way to kill this virus so we may go back to normal." There were some more details listed, but Sabrina and Elliot couldn't do anything but look at each other.

"Well then.. I guess it's just me and you for a while."

"Yeah.." Sabrina said less than excitedly.

"You seem sad. I'm surprised. Of all people I thought you would love to have to stay home."

"Well yeah but not like this."

"I think it'll be fine. It'll be okay." Elliot put an arm around Sabrina to show support. She laid her head on his chest for a minute until they realized they were practically cuddling.

Sabrina abruptly got up from the couch and said, "well um I have a song to go finish writing."

"Oh.. okay. Um have fun I guess." He was kind of disappointed their little moment had ended so quickly.

Sabrina went to the guest room and began pulling notebooks out of her bag. She was looking for an old song she had started a long time. She only had a few lyrics because it just didn't feel right. Now, she had a new perspective on things.

She got her piano and began playing with some notes. She thought that she was quiet enough that Elliot could barely hear, but she was definitely wrong.

wc: 687

{ a/n: hii so idk if anyone is even going to read but i hope you enjoy this chapter and continue to read if you do! I'm sorry if there are typos in this, it's literally 4:30 in the morning as I type and I couldn't sleep so I had an idea for this. I plan on making this a short lil quarentine story. I'll probably either post every chapter at once or like one everyday or something, we'll see when I'm done lol. Again, thanks for reading and please don't forget to vote!!!)

alone together // sabrina carpenter x ocWhere stories live. Discover now