the pretty and the ugly

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Only two weeks had passed since the national quarentine had begun. Of course they were already supposed to be staying away from others as much as possible but this was many steps further. This was the longest two weeks of Sabrina and Elliot's lives.

Elliot, a chef, only 20 and owning his own restaurant, had been experimenting on many new dishes. Sabrina had spent all her time working on new songs, she planned to come out of quarantine with an entire album written, like Taylor Swift.

There was one very special, untitled song that Sabrina had been working on the most. She put so much of her energy into it. This was going to be her best one yet. She was almost finished, just had to title it.

Sabrina came out of her room at 10am exactly - probably the earliest she had gotten up in a while. She smelled the delicious scent of eggs and toast and bacon. Sure enough, Elliot was spotted in the kitchen making breakfast for the two of them. He was almost done just as Sabrina had entered the kitchen.

"Oh, has sleeping beauty awoken from her slumber?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes, but she knew her sleep schedule was awful.

Elliot divided the food and started putting it on plates, the table already almost perfectly set.

"So you've been awake for quite some time, huh?"

"Never slept," Elliot shrugged.

"Aren't you exhausted?"

"Yes, but I'm also cooking so it keeps me awake." Elliot seemed less than happy about it, but what could he do?

"Works for me," Sabrina smiled looking at all the food.

Elliot rolled his eyes at her. Not getting sleep was definitely the worst part of quarantine. Something was always keeping him awake. When Elliot can't sleep, Elliot gets moody, quickly.

He served Sabrina and himself and they say in silence eating for about five minutes.

"This is delicious, oh my god your future wife is so lucky," Sabrina said between mouthfuls of bacon.

Elliot said nothing.

Sabrina didn't take the hint though, "seriously I have to go eat at your restaurant once you're able to reopen. This is so so good. I'm used to just eating some pizza I bought at Walmart out of a box bu-"

"Will you just shut up and eat."

Sabrina shot him a dirty look, "no, I don't think I will if you're going to be all rude like that."

"You know, I get really tired of hearing your voice all the time. You never shut up. I feel sorry for your future husband. I'm glad it won't be me. I'll apologise to him at the wedding."

"What the hell is your problem?"

"You! I'm sick of it! You're never quiet. Nothing can ever just be silent. I can't just have my usual silent breakfast anymore."

Sabrina took her plate and locked herself in her room. Suddenly she had lost her appetite so she left the half eaten food on her night stand as she reviewed her songs, trying to find a name for the one perfect piece of work she wrote.

She thought long and hard about the current situation and everything that has been happening lately. She couldn't come to the conclusion so she gave up. This song would just have to be untitled.

She glanced over at the plate next to her and just then, heard something outside of the room. She decided it had been long enough, her locking herself in there was slightly childish anyway. She opened the door and went out to the living room to see Elliot on the couch, tears streaming down his face. This was incredibly unusual for Elliot. Sure, he definitely had his moments where he wasn't entirely stable, but he never broke down and cried like this.

Sabrina walked out to comfort her friend. "Hey.. shh, it's gonna be okay. What's wrong?" She guided his head toward her shoulder. He didn't even notice as he just continued breaking down more and more. Sabrina tried her best to console him but it seemed to be no use. He was too upset. She gave him a while to collect himself - which took much longer than expected.

Finally after about twenty minutes Elliot was finally ready to talk. His tears had slowed and his throat was allowing him to speak. "I just.. I can't believe the way I act sometimes. I hate myself for yelling at you, or anyone. Everytime I let this happen I hate myself. It makes me want to kill myself. I just can't even handle my thoughts. I've never broken down like this. And now look at me, crying to you when I should be apologizing. I yelled and acted like an asshole to you for no reason. I'm so sorry Sab. I really didn't mean to upset you. I heard you singing in your room, your voice is beautiful..and I yelled at you. I don't even know where I'm going with this but I'm so so sorry."

Sabrina hugged him, a little tighter than intended. When their chests were so close together, Sabrina could feel Elliot's heart and how quickly it was beating. She pulled away, "are you okay?"

"I guess, why?"

"Your heart is pounding."

"Oh uh, maybe it's because I was.. emotional," Elliot blushed a little and tried to hide it.

"Oh, yeah I guess that's probably it."

Sabrina was honestly wishing it was for another reason. She knew her heart wasn't the only one pounding.

They sat in silence for a while, until Elliot broke the ice. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure, which one."

"I was an asshole to you, so you should choose."

"You weren't an asshole, but I still wanna pick. Is Titanic okay?"

"Of course you would choose that."

"Shush, just play it."

Elliot had to look for his old DVD to put in the DVD player. It only took a few minutes for the movie to start.

Originally, Sabrina and Elliot were on opposite sides of the couch, slowly as the movie progressed, they got a little closer together. Sabrina could feel Elliot's eyes on her every time Jack and Rose kissed. When the drawing scene came on, Sabrina and Elliot were only a few inches apart and both started to get a bit uncomfortable. Sabrina moved a little bit away from Elliot.

"Hey do you want some popcorn," Elliot offered.

Sabrina just nodded her head, almost afraid to look at her friend because of the blush she was sure was covering her face. Just a minute later the whole apartment smelled like popcorn, and when Elliot came back with the bowl he purposefully sat closer to Sabrina.

By the end of the movie, Sabrina had her head on Elliot's lap and his hand was on her shoulder. The credits started as the two friends realized their position. Neither of them really wanted to move, so they didn't. Elliot was waiting for Sabrina to get off his lap and when she didn't, he was surprised. He really didn't want her to move, so he just stayed there.

He put on another movie of his choice and about half way through, realised Sabrina had fallen asleep. Elliot wasn't entirely sure if she was a light sleeper so he moved just slightly. She stayed asleep. He put his hand on her head and gently played with her hair.

She partially rolled over so Elliot could see her face, which was red and smiling. He was trying to not let himself get too excited, but it was pretty difficult. There was a beautiful girl sleeping, smiling in his lap. His mind wandered a lot, wondering if she returned the feelings he has for her. Elliot knew he had to stop getting his hopes up, he didn't want to make himself see things that weren't there.

Eventually, Elliot had fallen asleep too.

{WC: 1310}

okay so this was a lottttt longer lol and it went a little faster than I was really intending, but don't worry, there will still be quite a bit of build up for these two. hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks!! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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