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Name: Deja Laquois aka Ghost

Age: 22

Personality: Serious, reserved, and emotionally cut off from the world. Don't you dare speculate about her past or anything personal, for that matter. Shay is the only one that knows the full truth, and the only one that sees her more carefree side. 

Appearance: Grey eyes disguised by brown contacts, thick curly hair, lean body, and a black rose branded onto the small of her back.

Abilities: Can phase through solid objects

Background: Deja and her father were left behind by her mother and sister. After this, her father stopped treating her like a daughter. One night, she decided to run away. However, he dad was accidentally killed in the process. In fear of being blamed, she kept running until she found her in the heart of New York. It wasn't long before she got involved with the Black Rose. She gradually climbed the ranks until she received her "first real job." The story starts from there.

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