Schist i deaged Snape into a cute 5 year old

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Perseus looked at the chaos in front of him and signed. Sometimes he wonders how they manage to gain the reputation of one of the most fearsome groups.

The meeting room(or the place-where-shit-goes-down as Jack named it) can be easily called a war zone.

Sylvia was threatening Jack about if he ever touching her daggers again while he was shouting back. Zarek was flirting with Delilah who was reading a tome. Zephyr was in an arm wrestle with Vespera while Hunter cheered them on. Laeliac and Zorbin were discussing the fastest way to get information from someone while Loki threw in points and ideas.

The only one well behaved was Sev. His real name was Severus but he didn't like any connection to his past life so, Sev it was. He was just sitting quietly and looking at the chaos with his big eyes.

Perseus gently lowered himself to Sev's height before addressing him, "Hey there little guy, you think you know a spell to make them shut up?" Sev looked at him with his large black eyes before nodding.

Even de-aged to a 5 year old, mentally and physically, he still have all his memories which sadly included what he went through by Voldemort's hands.

Sev took out his wand and scrunched his face with concentration before waving it. The effect was satisfying. Everyone found their faces banging the nearest surface. Everyone expect Perseus, Sev and Delilah, because Sev isn't stupid enough to try her wrath.

"What was THAT for?" Jack whined as he rubbed his head.

"Now that is done and over, I have good news for you all." Perseus said. "We are......going on a trip!" He grinned excitedly, tilting his head on the right side making his quarter mask glint in the light.

Silence was the only answer to his announcement. "I...I think that I feel sick...v..very sick all of a sudden." Hunter groan in effect. Loki nodded along, "Yes, I think I too have the illness." Sylvia added, "I think everyone in here just caught it. We should all rest."

Sev piped up, "It sounds fun! I wanna go." Everyone's heart melted in resolve as Sev gave his best puppy eyes.

Perseus added. "And may I remind everyone that there will be a showcase event where we must attend and be on our best behavior along with the paperwork for Japuiro that no one has touched."

"We should start packing." Zorbin said as he went out of the room as fast possible. Zerek nodded as he and his twin Zephyr too high tailed out. One by one everyone soon left to pack. Sev took Vespera's hand on his way out before asking, "Can you help me pack?" Vespera could only smile and nod at the cute wizard.

Soon only Loki and Perseus was left. Loki narrowed his eyes. "I already finished all the paperwork about Japuiro for everyone." His lieutenant told him. "Yes but they didn't know that did they?" Perseus said with a shit-eating grin. Loki just deadpanned before asking, "Should we have the whole Hunt with us?"

Perseus shook his head. "That'll be fine. Let them do their thing. Admit it the reason you ask was because you want to have a rematch with Sherlock on deductions." Loki glared at him before exiting. Perseus shout after him. "Admit it!"

Perseus was frowning at his closets. They were going to an paradise planet called Cuanscrit. It is known for its tropical warm weather. He frowned at his misfortune again. All his clothes were long sleeves and in various shades of dark colours. There was an odd pink shirt mixed in there. Eros made him buy it.

Perseus resign to his fate of suffering in the sun as he neatly packed his shirts into a bag. He added the necessaries. Perseus considered bringing more weapons, but decided against it. The sea was a strongest place for once-a son of the oceans after all.

Not that anyone knows, expect Loki. But to be fair he could sniff out a lie, it's a rule: don't bother lying to the God of deceit and lies.

Perseus eyes glaze over at unseen memories. He quickly shook out of the trance and continue packing, making a point not to look at a door to the left of him.

The temptation to open to door was high, but Perseus has no desires for the nightmares to come back thank you very much. He looked over the checklist of things to pack again before dumping in another pile of weapons and an extra bronze mask. The bag was a pocket dimension so it would be almost impossible to fill up. It was also charmed to be lightless or else it would be like carrying an elephant.

Perseus slung the bag over his shoulder before trekking to the common area.


"There you are!" Laeliac greeted. Perseus noticed that everyone was in the common area already.

Laeliac continued, "Before we go, everyone open their bags now. I am limiting the amount of weapons you are allowed to bring." Her demand was meet with groans and complaints. She raise her hand for silence.

"Come on! It's not like we can't defend ourselves without weapons. Besides, it's a vacation isn't it?So why don't you open up your bags now, come on." The last sentence was wasn't a suggestion and bags were open. Rule 12: Don't disobey a healer.

Laeliac levelled an unimpressed stare at everyone. She then turned to Delilah, whose pile was the biggest. Delilah, to her credit, did not run away. Perseus reckon even Chaos would be sweating under the healer's stare.

"Why, that's a lot of weapons. How many have you got here?" Laeliac asked, honey dripping off her words.

".......46." Delilah muttered, eyes downcast. Hunter gave a quiet snicker at Delilah's misfortune but quickly shut up when Laeliac glared at him. Perseus swore he could hear someone praying quietly to the gods for mercy and salvation. Pers tried to not grin at that.

"So agressive for a healer." Perseus muttered quietly so that Laeliac wouldn't hear him. He did not quite manage that as Laeliac whipped her head towards him, eyeing him like a prey before stalking towards him. Perseus managed to say his last words ready to hightail the heck away. "Oh fuc-"


Me: Snape is a cute little muffin as a 5 year old. Why no one notice how much recognition he deserves? Being spy is dangerous. And modly-warts has a habit of torturing people even his followers. I dig the AU where snape's father is not a nice man.

Me: Fuck you Tobias Snape. If you don't like me cursing, sorry not sorry.

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