You cannot burn me.

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Another note
This is yet another dedication. This one goes out to my life long best friend. My sister. We've been through almost 12 years of school together, we've watched each other grow and change like the tides in a sea. They have come so far, after they've been through so much. (Respect their pronouns my dudes.) They've lost some of the most important people in their lives and yet here they stand, strong. They've gone through hell to find themself, and here they stand, proud. I've never seen anyone more beautiful than my sister. I thank you, so so so much for everything you've done for me. I hope I never lose you as my best friend. Love you Person. You are beautiful.💜

Rhys tutted in disapproval when she laid eyes on her messy kitchen.
'No, no, no. This just won't do.'
Her cat, Dova, looked at her lazily. She glared at him, almost as if she were saying "you leave me alone."
She set about tidying the mess of plates, stray titbits of food, dirty cutlery and plant leaves blown in from outside. She hummed old songs under her breath, smiling at silly memories. She remembered her first slumber party with her best friend, how they stayed up till late watching TV, mimicking movie scenes and screaming out the window.
'There.' she smiled in a satisfactory manner. 'All clean. Now, time to get to work.'
'You've forgotten something again.' Dova purred from his position on the couch. Rhys frowned, trying to remember what she'd forgotten.
It hit her like a ton of bricks.
'Oh shit, I forgot to pray! Bridget please don't kill me!'

Rhys groaned and flopped on her back.
'Why. Won't. This. Spell. Work?!' she moaned in frustration.
'Because you're trying too hard.' Kate spoke up from her seat. 'Remember you need to feel the spell. Not just act it. I swear I'd be a better damn witch than you just from paying attention to your ramblings.'
Rhys slowly turned her head to look at her best friend. She raised an invisible eyebrow. Kate was grinning at her thick leather bound notebook, her pen flitting between her fingers. She was also happily nesting on the dining room table as if it were a chair.
'Excuse me but who's the witch here?' Rhys demanded.
'Clearly not you.' Dova snorted as he trotted past. She glared, too lazy to get up and swat at him.
'I swear to Bridget you two will drive me insane!' she groaned, scrubbing her hands over her face.
'Then take your own advice silly!' Kate laughed. 'Come on, Rhys! Clear your head! Feel the spell as if you were the spell. Remember it's not a lesson to memorize, it's an emotion to express.'
Rhys sighed, letting all the breath out of her lungs. She sat up, staring at the carpet for a moment.
Her thoughts left her head until silence echoed through her mind. She turned her eyes back to her spell, murmuring the words with clear clarity. When thoughts flooded back into her mind she beamed at the results.
'I did it!' she cried ecstatically.
Kate smiled, clapping her hands proudly. 'I never had a doubt.'

Years later, Rhys found herself in Ireland. Rain soaked through her hair but she didn't mind. This was the land of her origins. She felt as if she'd lived here for her whole life, even though it had only been a few months. She'd met so many interesting people, and gained herself a mentor to teach her more. And, she'd gained a girlfriend. She looked across at Maple, smiling at her luck. Her girlfriend smiled back.
Kate would be visiting soon. She couldn't wait to introduce them, she just had this feeling that they'd become quick friends. She turned her head up to the heavens, thanking Bridget for everything that had happened to her. All the beautiful things, even all the bad things, that had led her to this moment.
This moment, where she was purely, happy.

Her Notebook Said OtherwiseWhere stories live. Discover now