22. What if?

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He looked up at me and smirked, I continued placing the menus on the table and quickly rushed away. I rushed into the back room trying to calm myself down. I haven't seen him in two years. Why am I seeing him now? When everything is going great?

"Madelyn table 12's food is ready" Billie called. She helped me carry the food to the table, I noticed the little boy was crying, "Here's a special hotdog for a special little man" Billie smiled placing the hotdog in front of the little boy causing him to giggle a little. "I'm not little I'm a big boy" he giggled wiping his tears. "Oh yes of course you are, what are you 18?" She asked as I carried on placing the food in front of them. The boy let out a little laugh "no I'm 4" he held up four fingers. "Wow 4, you're a big boy" she ruffled his hair a bit and walked away leaving the boy giggling to himself. "Your drinks will be with you in just a moment" I smiled and walked away.

"Madelyn you're needed for table 4" Ricci handed me my notepad and pen. For a moment I forgot what table it was, then I remembered. "Can't Billie take it? I'm busy with table 12" I pleaded. "No Billie can take table 12, now go" he hissed pushing me out the door. I sighed heavily making my way towards the table.

"May I take your order?" I asked trying not to make eye contact. "Yes we would like two of the stake meals one stake well done and one medium rare, two glasses of your finest red wine" the young blonde woman explained.

"I'll have that with you right away" I walked away when i felt his tight grip on my wrist pull me back. My arm pulled away abruptly. I saw his smile fade from his face when he realised he scared me, "can we also have a bottle of your finest red wine" he asked his voice cracking a little mid sentence. I nodded my head and rushed off.

Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I made my way to the kitchen. "Are you okay?" Billie asked me as I pushed past her into the back room. The tears poured down my face as my breathing got uneven. Billie burst in after me. I felt her hand place on my shoulder.

"Mads? Are you okay?" She asked turning me around, revealing my tear stained face. "It's him. He's found me" I cried, Billie just stared at me in confusion "who?" She questioned. "Niall" I sobbed violently. She pulled me into a tight hug. "It's okay, I promise, he's not going to hurt you, if he sees you like this he knows he's won and he'll keep scaring you" she continued "now wipe your tears and get out there" she hushed giving me a warm smile as she pulled out of the hug.

"You're right" I wiped my tears and headed out to the table with their food. I placed the food down in front of them with a huge fake smile on my face. "Are these homemade chips or bought?" The young woman asked picking at her chips. "I'm not sure, I think they're homemade" I answered puzzled, does it matter? "Well I want you to find out before I put them in my mouth" she glared at me putting down her cutlery. "Jess! Just eat them!" Niall hissed at her.

She sighed heavily folding her arms. I placed down their drinks and walked away. I stood round the corner and took deep breaths, "Sorry about her" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I turned to face him, "it's okay" I breathed looking down. "So how have you been?" He asked drawing closer. "I can't talk, I've got to work" I walked away before I felt his two strong hands pull me back and push me against the wall.

"I asked how you've been!" He demanded an answer. "I've been good" I shook. I was so scared, his grip loosened and pain and worry filled his face. "I'm sorry" he looked down letting go of me. "Madelyn table 35 need you!" I heard Ricci shout. "I-I've got to go" I stuttered and rushed off.


After 9 painful hours of work and fake smiling it was finally over. I said goodbye to Billie and headed out of the door. I started to unlock my car when I heard crying from around the corner and shouting. I slowly peeked around the corner to see Niall and his date Jess. Jess was in a ball on the floor in tears and Niall was towering over her. "Leave her alone!" I croaked. What am I doing?

Niall laughed and grabbed Jess and threw her to the side she then got up and ran. "What?" He drew closer to me. I tried taking a step back but he grabbed me and pulled me into the alley way. "Get off me" I struggled to get out of his grip. "Aw poor little Madelyn should really stay out of people's business" he smirked, his face just centimetres from mine. "I've missed you" he smiled and smashed his lips into mine.

I tried pushing him back but I wasn't strong enough. He grabbed my hands and pushed them against the wall. He stopped kissing me and just smiled at me, "please get off" I stuttered. Tears started to fall down my face.

After a painful few minutes I was left. Abandoned in a dark alley way tears poured down my cheeks. I think you can guess what he did to me. He raped me. He raped me and then left me cold and alone in the dark. I was so scared I couldn't move. I finally got myself to my feet tears still pouring down my cheeks. I grabbed my car keys and ran to my car.

I unlocked my front door to see the room light was still on. "Mads is that you?" Michael called from the bathroom. I threw the car keys on the side and wiped my tears. "Yeah" I shouted back. He walked out of the bathroom and I went running into his arms.

He held me in his arms. This is what it's supposed to be like. I felt so safe with him. Like nobody could get to me, it was just me and him. "Are you okay" he asked still not letting go, "yeah" I lied as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Are you sure?" I felt him lay a soft kiss on the top of my head, "I'm sure" I whispered.

I laid in bed with my head on Michaels chest listening to his heart beat. His chest going up and falling back down. What if Niall's still angry at me and he wants to hurt Michael? It'll be my fault. He knows where I work now. What if he follows me home? I knew I shouldn't of said anything when he was attacking Jess.


Heyyyy!!! I know this chapter isn't the longest of chapters but it's a serious one! I just want to say if you have experienced what Madelyn has (rape) and you haven't told anyone or reported it, please do! I understand you may be scared but all rapists should be behind bars where they belong! Or just talk to someone about it because it doesn't help just having it bottled up!

Okay I hope you're enjoying them as 19 so far! Stay sexy<3

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