Feitan x Reader 😞

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Second question of the week: Would you go through hell to be with your favourite anime character? Why or why not?

I got the image from Khalid Afkir on i.ntere.st, and if you would like me to send it to you, feel free to pm me!


Not long ago, you were invited into the Phantom Troupe as a result of Chrollo's interest in your speed and efficient fighting style. You never thought you'd be working with a group of criminals, but here you are, gathered with them all at their current hideout to discuss plans for an upcoming mission planned to take place in only a few nights in the future.

They were planning to attack a mafia's headquarters as they held possession of many items that would come in extremely useful for the troupe. The area had been watched for months and they discovered their hidden secret exit that they would use to protect said items under attack. Surprisingly enough, you, Feitan, and Phinks were grouped and given the most important and dangerous part of the mission, attacking the enemy as they were evacuating. When Chrollo announced this at the meeting, you were shocked, yet determined to show the other members that you could succeed in something so dangerous.

The troupe was dismissed, and you kept leaning against the wall behind you thinking of your situation until you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Danchou?" You said, looking up at the pair of grey eyes in front of you. Chrollo smiled back at you and simply said "don't disappoint me, (y/n)", before leaving. Sighing to yourself, you closed your eyes and mumbled to yourself "I won't".


It was the night of the attack, and things were already set in motion. As most of the troupe attacked head on occupying most of the mafia, you, Feitan and Phinks had no trouble getting through the back security, making the way to their emergency exit. As you three were waiting for the men evacuating with the items, you leaned against a stone wall calming your nerves. 'I had no trouble killing the security back there, everything will be fine' you thought to yourself.

After not long, 3 females in all black emerged. Walking towards you carrying big sacks, you as well and Feitan and Phinks assumed your fighting stances. You saw Phinks relax his stance slightly as he said "Ha! It's just a few girls!". This made you flinch, all the more determined to complete this mission exceedingly well.

The mysterious females dropped their bags as they released an immense amount of aura, making shivers go down your spine.

Feitan pov

I glanced at (y/n) to see her caught off guard. 'Tch, was it really a good idea for her to come with us? She is a newbie after all' I thought to myself. Refocusing all of my attention back to the three girls, I had noticed one of them had gone missing, the other two hiding their smirks under their masks. I instantly looked at Phinks, and then at (y/n). They were also gone. Whipping my head back around in slight panic, the other two girls were now missing too. "拉屎 (shit)" I muttered to myself, trying to guard all around me.

Everything around me looked like endless darkness. My vision started to go blurry, and I felt the sharpest pain in my temple. Grabbing it and wincing, I felt as if I kept spinning until I completely lost my sense of perception. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground.

When my perception and senses finally came back in tact enough, I instantly got back up and looked around me again. Finally, I saw one of the girls. She had taken off her mask and was smiling sickeningly sweet with her hands behind her back innocently. As I was about to attack, she simply put a finger up and said "I wouldn't do that if I were you..". Concerned about the disappearance of Phinks and (y/n), I paused and glared at her questioningly.

I could feel her bloodlust slip out for a second before her eyes took a more psychotic look. Suddenly, the area behind her lit up and I saw (y/n) and Phinks bound with nen infused rope, held by each girl with a knife pointed to the bottom of their chins. Blood was dripping from both of them, Phinks trying to control himself but (y/n) not doing as well. I snapped my attention back at the 'lead' girl with increased hostility, refraining from making any dangerous moves that could get them killed.

"Aw, don't look at me like that.. what was it, Feitan?" Giggling creepily, she paced closer to him, tilting her head slightly before continuing. "No need to be so hostile, my name's Ebony" she finished, mere inches from him, keeping up her sick smile. Widening her eyes ever so slightly, she looked at him and pouted saying "If only you weren't my enemy.. you're really cute y'know?".

I was livid, only allowing myself to growl at her "let them go". Pouting once more, she turned around and walked away theatrically, waving her finger in the air. "Now now, that wouldn't be any fun!". Whipping herself back to face me, I started to think that Ebony was the type of person who liked to play "games" with her enemies; at least thinking this would be something I could get through.

Waiting for her to continue, she finally did. "I'll just kill them both in front of you now".

"你這胡扯! (You piece of crap!)" Was all that left my mouth as my speed easily let me reach them. However, the both of them were far away from each other, so I could only reach one, (y/n). Once I was about to reach her and bring her to safety, a bomb situated beneath (y/n) and Phinks went off, making them fall instantly. I felt terrible for not being able to save Phinks, but I knew I had to at least save (y/n).

As the bomb went off, I jumped for her. *cue image*. Smoke and embers were flying against me rapidly making it hard to see, and my clothes were burned as well as my skin. Despite the harsh disadvantages, I was able to cut the tough ropes at the expense of my sword. With hope, I extended my hand for her to grab, displaying very clear desperation in my face for the first time in forever. Just as (y/n) was about to grab my outstretched hand, her fingers grazed past mine almost in slow motion before quickly falling into the descent.

I had given up, there was nothing I could do to salvage the situation, so I simply relaxed myself and waited for the ground to hit, and inevitably, kill me.

Just as it seemed the cold ground hit me face on, I jolted awake in a colt sweat. Sitting up with a hand on my drenched forehead, I felt.. tears? Reaching two fingers to feel my cheek, there were tears running down them and I watched as they fell on the bed sheets covering my lap.

I stayed still for a moment before ripping off my covers and going to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. Looking in the mirror, my usually pale face was red, no acceptation to my puffy eyes. "Tch" was all I could muster before shuffling back to my bed.

Laying down in the darkness again, I couldn't help but remember that dream. "Just who is (y/n).." I muttered to myself, eager to know more about her and why she meant so much to me, even though I knew close to nothing about her. Burying myself in my sheets again, I felt genuine fear for an upcoming mission, much less for someone else, for the first time in a very long time.


I'm not rlly sure if this is considered an angst lmao I kinda just wrote this. I'd actually really like feedback on this one! I think I'm kinda proud of this haha.

Aight so don't forget to leave a comment so I know if y'all enjoy this or not, and remember new chapters come out every Wednesday and Saturday at noon aest!


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