Chapter Three: Love or Love Not

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Chapter Three: Love Or Love Not

        "Son of a b-!" Tyler shut off my shout by pressing his lips to mine quickly, just as fast, he pulled them back off and stared at me with pain in his beautiful blue eyes.

        "I'm so sorry, Elliot, I had to do it, I had to do it to cut of your ties associated with him." I recoiled as if he had hit me in the face, showing openly that his words had stung me like a slap.

       "So you marked me because you just wanted to cut the ties." I said emotionless, shutting down all emotions, he searched my face wildly as he shook his head fiercely.

       "No! No, Elliot! Not like that! I meant that I could only have you to myself and be true soul-mates if you weren't attached to him!" He tried to amend, but it just made it worse, I felt like he had just ripped out my soul; like he couldn't love me as I was, like I wasn't good enough to him. I'm damaged goods, or was, I guess. Tyler probably thought he was fixing the dents and dings in the can, but instead, he crumbled it.

        I slowly pushed myself off of the bed feeling numb. I put my clothes on numbly, only slightly aware of the many apologies being made by Tyler. I stood and exited the room, ignoring the questions, the worried, curious, or judging glances. The thing I wanted to do most in that moment was crawl in a hole, wait it out for a few years, and see if everything had fallen in place yet.

        Walking outside, inside the dense forest, I stripped down and shifted. Painlessly. I felt the tears fall and get caught in my fur, I put my chin up and ran.

     After running for what felt like a month, I finally stopped by a creek and collapsed. My ear twitched at a sound near me, but my muscles were locked up from being so used, a warm feeling ran up my spine, Tyler- 

      If not Tyler... Who was standing behind me?

     "Get to your feet." A smooth but firm voice ordered, knowing I couldn't, I sunk lower to the ground. Maybe he would kill me and end the hole that was aching in my heart.

     In a soft, truly pathetic voice, I whispered "Are you going to kill me?" I heard the body behind me switch his weight paw, to paw.

     "I don't think I could if I wanted to, tell me little one, what's your name? Where's your mate?" My head spun, my mate. My heart ripped further, I let out a pitiful sound. I felt a twinge of curiosity towards the reason he knew about.. about him.

     "How do you know that I have a..." I pause, swallowing down the lump "Mate?" I whispered out.

     "Are you a new wolf little one?" He asked me taking a seat next to me, his wolf huge. He looked powerful, his fur was a pure white, no other colors, not even dirt could be found on this beautiful wolf, but his eyes. My God, his eyes, they were bluer than the Caribbean.

      I just nod and  look back down at myself in the stream. "Wolves, when they are marked by their mate, it omits this air about the wolf. Even if you were to walk through a mall or school, the humans wouldn't hit on you, the air around you just screams off limits. Though, that's not the fact is it?" I whimper and bury my muzzle into my fur, hiding my face.

        "My formal name is Castiel, though family, and close ranks, call me Cast." I feel him getting restless with my quiet state. "If I leave, will you go back to your pack?"

        "I don't have a pack." I whisper, sensing that I don't want to move, or talk, Castiel continues to tell me about himself. How his mother left his father when she found her true mate, how his father tends to have female guests around, constantly trying to give Castiel a new mother figure. I learn that Cast is high in the ranks in his pack, he hasn't told me this- he seemed to be a modest guy, but I picked it up the way he talked about what him and his friends have done and laughing at me when I asked how he hadn't been kicked out of his pack yet.

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