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"you got it in you, darker than you can imagine," my father said as he moved closer to me with a knife, I walked backward close to the door, some hours ago I almost killed myself, my life is a mess what dad said is true and it's all inside me I ca...

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"you got it in you, darker than you can imagine," my father said as he moved closer to me with a knife, I walked backward close to the door, some hours ago I almost killed myself, my life is a mess what dad said is true and it's all inside me I can't get it out.

"stay away from me " I spoke angrily,

"your not in your right senses" my dad like all typical killer fathers is a drunkard and a drug dealer. In my town no one is who you think they are, it's a small town but the evil is yet to be uncovered,

" If I don't kill you, you are gonna lose it Steph, you killed her and you know it, you are dangerous"

"you don't know that you don't know anything, you sent me away from you and mom for ten years, so what the hell do you know" I yelled, I could feel my powers unveil, and when it gets loose I can't control it, my dad didn't say anything he stopped in his track, I was really confused until he threw the knife at me luckily it only bruised my hand before falling to the ground,

" don't do this," I said as I moved closer to the door

" don't try and stop me" dad grabbed me and pushed me to the ground, I hit my head really hard but I was used to this kind of pain so it didn't hurt that much, I got up from the ground and moved towards the door but my dad grabbed my hands and began to twist it

"you aren't going anywhere you will die here, I hate you" he twisted my hands until I was down on my knees

"Daddy please stop" I cried he does this a lot but I just don't get why I will never get used to this kind of pain, I couldn't endure it, I guess my hand is my weakness

"you made her leave, you made her what she is, and you have to pay" dad pushed me on the floor my lips got badly bruised as blood dripped out

"this spells you," I said as I wiped the blood out of my lips

"Nothing spells me you hear me nothing" dad yelled

"am leaving and don't even try and stop me, "I said then walked out of the house

" get back here you bastard" dad yelled, but I ignored him, I ran as fast as I could not stopping or turning back. I had an abandoned house in the middle of the forest, its where I go after a series of my dad's manifestation. When dad isn't drunk he doesn't hurt me, he isn't nice but he doesn't make me hate life, it's like he just doesn't know, but he is always drunk so those good times happen once in a blue moon

"Watch where you are going, " a deep voice said, no one knows this place apart from me, so this guy being in this place which is near the house was quite surprising, he was dressed in all black I could only see is shining blue eyes

" what are you doing around here, it's mine stranger"

"feisty Hun butter face, the name is mason, not stranger and sadly you don't own this place no one does, it's a free man zone and it's not safe for you to be around here, so it's better if you stay away from here, we don't need chickens walking around" mason turned around to leave

" wait mason, what do you mean by we are their other people here" I questioned

" like I said this is a free man zone but there's an underground fighting club close by and a lot of shit goes on down there, it's not good for you to be out here," he said then left the arena. 

I don't think he goes to my school, I really don't know, I am a loner, no single friend and I don't think I need one, my power is something no one should know about, it killed her, and am not letting anyone die again, not because of me.


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