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" let me go" I yelled, I was tied up on a wooden chair in the old house, I really don't know how I got here, I was in the middle of a circle of fire any slight movement and I might just fall into the fire, I wonder why my powers hasn't been working, I have thought of everything possible but nothing worked out, a replicate of me started walking towards me their where so many, some where on fire some with axe inside their skull, some with knife, but they were all me I felt like I was seeing all the different ways I could die, but it was hard to pick which one I preferred because they were all terrible

" help" I yelled as I struggled with the ropes that was used to tie me and the fire got closer to where I was, also the clones, slowly I felt like a needle was going in and out of my leg, I was in excruciating pain, I screamed as blooded dripped to the floor, I felt really weak and helplessness, I became really stiff and I couldn't move

"please some one, help, anyone" I cried, I began to cough as blood came out of my mouth and trickled down my nose, I could feel the oxygen being slipped out of my lung very where became a blur, I knew this was my end their was no escape for me, until the door flew open, all the clones where gone as my saviour came in, who would have thought I would ever be so happy to see him in my life

"Luka" I managed to say the fire was still on every thing that was used to torture me was still their except my possibilities of death. Luka rushed toward me with a bucket of sand and put out the fire before untying me, as soon as I was free I tried to get up but I fell to the ground, I was still bleeding, I had expected the house to disappear but it didn't

" how the hell did you get here" Luka asked helping me to sit up, I felt a strange thing in the pith of my Tommy and his hands didn't bounce off like the last time, he looked cute, and I felt like this was the first time I was meeting me

" are you going to answer or would you rather keep staring" he said, there is the Luka James I know cocky much, but for the first time since we meet I didn't feel like killing him for what he just said

" how did you find me" I stammered, my voice came out lower than I expected it to come out, I struggled to stand up and almost fell but Luka caught me

" I came by your house to do the project, cause you don't get to tell me what to do, I saw you leaving I wasn't stalking you, but I decided to follow you here,I was about to approach you when Kyle called asking for my help so I left but by the time I came back I heard you screaming, who did this to you" he helped me back to a sitting position and sat next to me, he wrapped his hands around my shoulder to support me from falling

" why would you want to help me, I have never been nice to you so why would you try and help me"I asked, I cant trust anyone most definitely not him, but he just saved my life

" don't flatter your self freak, I couldn't stand your horrible voice, and am not so wicked as to let the poor building host you, that's just pure torture" he smirked, making me laugh a little, he would always be a dick

"thanks" I said, he let go of my shoulder and gave me a quick glance before turning away, I was still covered in blood and my hair wasn't covering my face again it was pushed to the side I reached for my hoodie, but Luka held my hands

" why do you always hide your face, what are you so afraid of" he asked letting go of my hands

" trust" I said " something are better left unknown" I sighed finally being able to stand up on my own, Luka joined me and followed as I limped outside

" let me drop you off" Luka said trying to help me but I stayed away, he has done enough for one night

" I don't need help, you have done enough and am really grateful but am fine on my own" I managed to get to my back and drove home weakly. As soon as I got home I went straight to my room, I got cleaned up and dressed my head in a bandage and took some aspirins before changing to my black pyjamas and laid on my bed, so my mom isn't locked up, that means my dad wasn't lying but I had an intuition that he wasn't telling me something, my intuition couldn't be wrong, who every did this knows my every move, could it be my dad, but he doesn't have magic or does he, the only person that knows what happened that day in the wood's is my father, he knows that that night ids my weakness, their is a lot of shit I don't know and I need answers to but how would I get it.


Unknown POV

" have you set the trigger" Thomas James Jr said to his little work of hand, or so he thought

" how would I every miss a chance to see her in so much pain, of course I have done it, but that pesty little son of yours intervened and spoilt all my fun, he is meant to take after you but he is working with the enemy" she said with a sly smile on her face

" perhaps he needs to know the truth" Thomas said to the girl

" you really think that he would join you,she got him rapped around her finger even if he doesn't know it, he has created a bond between them and broken the animosity, he is slipping fast out of your grip"

" non sense, that cannot have happened" 6homas said with a look of disdain

" I can tell you don't believe me, you have always been so foolish, open your eyes wild" the girl said before leaving the office

"that hooligan"Thomas said banging his fist on hist table


Luka's pov

Today was the first time she didn't show that she hate me it was also the first time I saw her so weak it felt nice to see her that way, but I still kind of felt bad for her, I only helped her for my gain there is no way I would forget what she did, but I wonder who would tie her up and live her in the middle of a fire, she is yet another mystery case to be solved. My phone began to ring as soon as I got to my car, I checked the caller ID immediately changing my mood

"what do yo want this time father"I said in a low but harsh tone

" why did you leave the house without notifying me"my father yelled

"i really don't need to tell you before doing anything

"your behaviour has become intolerable these days"

"goodbye, father" I said ending the call, I hate his voice and that accent of his it drives me nuts, I really don't get him , first he doesn't give a shit about me then he is suddenly an overprotective father, he would never be anything more than a sperm downer to me.I terrified to forget him as I drove home, Kiara is just another addition to my problem in live, she has the looks that just gives me a bad vibes, I don't trust her one bit, I always see her lurking around my room like she is looking for the right time to end my life, she is the only person that went up to steph on first sight, it's like she wanted to, like she has plan for steph, I would have liked her a lot better if she didn't creep me out as much as steph did, I was snapped out of my thought as a car came bashing into me, I hit my head hard on the dash board as the windows glass broke, luckily I wasn't really affected, I managed to get out of the car to see who the driver was but I only saw blood on the seat and a voice in my head that screamed " stay away from her or else", feeling a bit scared I got into my car, who the hell did that, thing has gotten really strange since about two years ago, I knew Green dale was a creep town but I never expected things like this, if I tell Kyle about this, he would think I have crazy, I decided to call steph, I really don't know why but it just felt right

"look, Luka am really grateful to you for saving my life and all, but I don't trust you or anyone,all I bring is bad luck, and I don't need good people around me, sorry but we cant ever be friends" she ended the call not giving me time to say anything, did she just call me a good person, oh please I am far from that and whatever made her think I want to be friends with her.

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