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After everything Luka did for me last night some part of me really want to stop hating him and start trusting him even if he is a dick, but a stronger part of me can't stop hating him, I feel my darkness try and take control every time he is around me, I really don't know why. I decided to take part in tonight's game to clear my head of everything that has been going on, dad hasn't been around much lately, I wonder where he has gone off to, I grabbed my black knapsack and keys and headed out for another awful day with humans.

I avoided Luka throughout the first three periods and he seems to get the hint to leave me alone, as usual I was on my table, eating my sandwich when kiara decided it was a perfect time to spoil my mood, as soon as she sat next to me didn't feel so hungry anymore, I could sense something about her but it wasn't clear so I decided to push it aside, but it's just weird how every time she is near I feel complete

"hey girlfriend" kiara chirped happily,I see someone is in a good mood, but what the hell does she want from me, why is she bothering me, I decided it was best I ignored her and continued eating my sandwich

"come on steph, loosen up a bit,I know I said I like the quiet types but it doesn't necessarily mean you have to be quiet"I still ignored her hoping she would leave, what makes her think I would ever think of impressing her

"why are you always covering your face"she said reaching for my hood, but I held her hands stopping her

'don't touch me" I said letting go of her hands

"chill out girlfriend am not going to hurt you"she smiled, why is everyone I meet always telling me that when am sure it isn't true

"stay away from me"I muttered under my breath before dashing out of the hall and down to the girls bathroom, once I was sure no one was in I took down my hoodie and washed my face, almost half of my hair was the colour of red wine, the darkness is catching up to me faster than I expected am sure it will soon consume me. I heard voices in the toilets, am sure no one was here, I went towards the direction to check who it was when the lights went off, it started flickering and the voice got louder, I tried to open the door but it wont bulge, the voices got closer than it stopped, I was a bit relieved until all t6he toilet doors flew open, there was a flushing sound from all the toilets, the lights kept on flickering on and off as blood filled the toilet, I backed up against t6he wall silently praying for it to end, but it didn't instead t6he blood turned to snakes and wrapped me round strangling me in the process, I gasped for air and coughed repeatedly trying to get the blood snakes off me, there was a scream in the restroom, all the snake disappeared and t6hre lights stopped flickering, I thought it was all over as I coughed my lungs out with tears flowing down my cheeks. This time the lights went off, but there was a dim light coming from the ot6her side of the restroom, I felt a force pulling me toward the direction, the restroom was lit up by candles, my reflection was in the mirror, hitting her head against the mirror and blood tried down a face, spelling out " vengeance shall be mine" on the mirror, the door of the toilet flew open and everything went back to normal

"why did you leave"kiara questioned, w6ho does this girl think she is really

" how is that any of your business"I snapped and walked past her but she kept following me, then she grabbed my hands, her hand was cold, I flinched as soon as it came in contact with me

"don't get me wrong steph, all I want is to be friends, I don't want to hurt you really" she spoke so softly I was almost tempted to trust her, but I knew better than that

" keep your friendship to yourself and stop disturbing me, I have done just fine on my own and I think I can keep it up"I said and walked out of the school hall, this time she didn't follow me, am glad to see people still have brains. Whoever is doing this must me close to know my every move, to be honest I would rather die than face this constant torment, am really tired.


Luka's pov

" why do you keep bothering her" I asked kiara as soon as she came back from where ever the hell she went to, she didn't look happy but who could blame her, its hard to have a smile on after spending time with that freak

" I just want to be friends, not like its any of your business" she said, with mischief clear on her face, I wonder why all the girls am forced to relate with always have something they are hiding that I always have to find out

" there are so many other girls in this school so why pick her in particular, their is really nothing special about her

" you would be surprised how special she is" kiara muttered but I heard her clearly

"what was that" I asked

"nothing,I don't think I owe you any explanations, and why do you even care, is she your girlfriend"

" she wish, just do yourself a favour and stay away from her, that's if you really want to remain sane

"you might be my cousin Luka, but you really don't have the right to choose my friends for me, so stop acting like you do" she said before leaving the cafeteria

" I thought you hate steph, so why do you care" Kyle asked

" I don't" I snapped, I do hate her nothing will ever change

" it sure doesn't seem that way to me"

" mind your business Kyle, I wasn't talking to you, besides you really never gave a shit about me, I don't need you to start now" I said angrily

"calm down bro, it was just a statement" Kyle said "but seriously you are really messed up" I ignored Kyle and left the cafeteria, what was I thinking when I made him my friend. I headed to the library to start the project and clear my head before the next class.


Stephs pov

I don't really skip school, but it won't hurt to miss two classes, besides I don't see school helping me solve any of the problems I have in life. I tried to call mason but his number go through. I was feeling really bored so I decided to head to the gym to blow off some steam, I am also out of practice and there a game tonight, am not ready to lose a match

I punched the bag really hard imaging that it was luka's face, this place was for UGC

Fighters only, a lot of illegal shit goes on down here, making it very unsafe for an outsider to be here, also every member of t6he UGC has a membership tattoo, it's your card to free entrance, the only thing that makes us different from a gang is the fact that we really don't give a shit about the other member. Every fighter has a mask mine is like an axe kind of thing it's what we use to know who is who, if anyone knew I was a girl fighter it could end my fighting career, because girls aren't allowed to fight, I really hate that law, a familiar figure walked into the gym, it was scorpion, I would be going up against him again tonight, apparently he said that the had some issues the last match so he wanted to fight me again, how shallow

"even a child can hit better than that" 6he scuffed, his voice sounded a little bit familiar like luka's but it was really hard to tell

" says the guy who's ass I kicked the last time, you are really a bad liar you could come up with a better excuse for flopping that you had some issues" I used my powers to change my voice so he couldn't tell that I am a girl

" don't flatter yourself, you and I both know that am better than you"

"i won you the last time boyo what makes you think I won't win again"I smirked but he couldn't see me so that had no effect

"we will see tonight" he said going over to lift a barbell, boys and their ego, may the better man win, I thought as I packed up and left the gym......


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