Important Announcements

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I know, I know, before ya'll will start saying how I've said I was back but I barely update now, hear me out.

I'm already stressed by the fact that I'm being attacked by writer's block, again, and while I'm not writing I assure you I've been thinking of the future of this account. I will not be quitting anytime soon, so that's a good thing. I'm also thinking of several things to keep this account alive:

- I'll be changing my spare account (again), name and all, most importantly it's content. While I mostly post on here because I'm more active, I also realized I'm mostly just updating Jamaa Academy and or my art book(s). And I remember how many fandoms I'm in and how many I actually considered making books about, so far I've only done AJ, TMNT (sadly I'm falling out of the fandom), and Gacha, and yet I'm in fandoms like DDLC, Creepypasta and now Hazbin Hotel which are fairly mature fandoms.

I realized I haven't done any book on them yet was because I was fairly concerned on keeping my account as clean as possible, no mature content or anything. This decision was difficult to think about because I've been wanting to make books about the more mature fandoms I'm in that I love as much as the more clean ones, but I (sorta..?) made a promise to make my account clean. Call it strange, but as a growing author urges like these are just so tempting, and this actually might be breaking the promise in one way or another. I thought about this for a while and I decided that I'll keep THIS account clean and I'll make different stories in my spare account.

Which will be renamed but I don't know what to call it yet. I don't know what you'll all think about this but I hope it won't get any bad feedback. I've been on Wattpad for three years now and I'd like to keep going by writing about things I love. Now this new account and content thing won't stop my current books here like Jamaa Academy (it's whole trilogy) and my art books, it's merely like another way for me to express my love for other fandoms which I'm aware are pretty mature and can be uncomfortable for some people. Like Creepypasta, and now Hazbin Hotel.

If you're interested and fellow fans of one of these fandoms feel free to check my spare account as soon as I publish something and announce it on here, if you're willing to stay here though for my other content then that's fine as well! I'm not forcing anyone to do what I want, it's all up to you. And since now I'll most probably be updating two accounts at different times I might have to make a schedule, but that'll probably fail because I still have some writer's block. Updating times are undecided but I guess you can check for updates in your notifications if you're a follower.

Like I said, I won't be discontinuing the books I'm currently doing here, most certainly not Jamaa Academy because so far it's the best book series I'm making in my opinion. After Jamaa Academy though I'm not sure what to be making, I do have some ideas:
- I have a book named Vengeance in the drafts, a book that isn't fanfiction and it'll be my first non-fanfiction book in a long time but I'm giving it a shot.
- I also have another non-fanfiction book in the making, it'll be adventure and fantasy themed like Jamaa Academy, and I'll post a sneak peek once I finish most of the planning if you're interested.
- I'll also be continuing my art books of course, Art's a part of my soul as much as writing
Also: Before or after Jamaa Academy finishes I have something in mind for any fans of the book trilogy (if any), I'll be making a book where I could feature some fanmade works like artworks, fan made stories and all that, basically a fan feature book as I like to call it lol. Any J.A fans interested you'll have to wait a while but if you want to start making some fan stuff go right ahead! If that happens I might start making note of the people who did, maybe this can be helped a little by tagging me so I can find your works! I'll be happy to see them!

Now with that out of the way, I really am sorry for being inactive again, the situation right now isn't helping too much either. But I'm doing my best to be a dedicated active author for ya'll :3 And because I don't wanna give up a passion of mine. Thank you all for my followers who didn't unfollow me despite my sudden disappearances ^-^ I'm extremely thankful for all of you. And I hope I didn't disappoint anyone.

If you're still here then thank you so much for reading what I have to say! Stay safe everyone and be careful! Love ya'll :3 💙 Feel free to ask any questions of you have any!

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