Chapter 2:
The creets
As we kept walking, in an awkward silence, the guy with the bow started talking.
"My name is Khia and these two are Emily and Ben."
As i turned around to look at them, I heard a loud wail.
"Run!" Said Khia.
I turned to see what he was talking about and I saw a giant slimy worm like creature with robot tentacles and metal mandibles, running around a corner with two others behind it. Every one started sprinting.
"We're almost to the shift!"
Shift? I don't know what they were talking about, but i sure wanted to get there.
in the distance i saw a few people standing in front of a giant corridor with bow in hand. And then i heared a scream coming from behind me. And then a clatter of stone against stone. It was Emily. Thing that had been chasing us had her leg in it's mandibles.
"Help!" she screamed.
I saw her knife had been lying a few feet away from me. So i ran and scooped it up and jumped onto the creature and started stabbing it. Green goo that looked an awful lot like booger went flying every where. Some even landed in my mouth. And then a few stabs later it slumped to the ground and Emily got up and ran inside the corridor. Then the others ran towords the creature, the one i just stabed like a mad man, and started to drag it away.
"What were those?" Summer asked.
"The Creets." Emily said
Then all of the suddon everything went black.
AdventureRyan and a group of friends were on a vacation when sudenly a glowing orb shanged them for ever.