Part 13 Still Not Fixed Up

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Made : Sept 2019
Last edited : Dec 2023

Win wake up in the morning with unusual feeling. He barely remember that now he was not in his condo. After driving like crazy person Win choose go back to home. He really need a break. He still angry with his nong and feel uncomfortable to remember what he saw yesterday...

" Phi are you already wake up ? ", said In his younger brother by knocking the door.
" Hemmm... ", answered Win with no energy.
" Phi.. Are you okay ? You're not in a holiday.. But you came home ", said In by open the door and walk to open the curtain.
" I'm just tired... Study was really boring ", said Win
" Well not everybody like to study... But you love swimming, so now you feel swimming was boring too ? ", asked In again stand up in front of his brother.
" No... Of course not.. I just need a break ", said Win finally wake up and then walk to the bathroom.
" Awww Phi.. You always like this, if you had a problem then talk na ", said In loudly cause he knows that his brother trying to hide his feeling.

Win didn't answer. He washed his face then brushed his teeth. He know that he really stubborn. Keeping all the problem by himself. But that's his character. He didn't want to give a burden to others. Especially his family. If Win feel like he can handle the problem, then he will keep his mouth close....


Team can't slept last night. He keep trying to contact Win but there's no answer. Team was struggle, he didn't know what to do. Should he come to Win's hometown ? Team asked to himself. But if he come and Win still angry, the situation will not get better. Maybe what Phi Dean said is right, Win need time...

Team can't skip the class, of course it's all about the scholarships policy. Well Team also has an appointment with his lawyer today. So it's mean Team will be so busy. After collecting his mood, Team wake up and go to the bathroom...


" Phi, don't eat if you don't want to.. Stop playing with the food ", said In yelling to his older brother.
" Ai Sat... You hurt my ear ", said Win.
" Well you hurt my food ", said In reply his brother with angry face.
" Okay okay.. Sorry... This was not bacause it taste bad.. It's just because my feeling was bad ", said Win by trying to eat his food.
" Phi I already told you, if you had a problem then talk.. You knew that I only had you and you only had me... We can't contact sister Del... She already had her own problem ", said In.
" I didn't plan to contact your sister also... She must be had tough life living with our step mother ", said Win.
" See... Exactly... So would you like to tell me something ? ", asked In again.
" No... I didn't have any problem.. I just boring and need a break ", answered Win.
" Phi... ", said In.
" I am okay nong... Just finished your food and I will wash it ", said Win.

Win family is not normal too. Since his mother passed way, his father married another woman and choose to living abroad. Win didn't agree to leave Thailand cause he love his country so much. And In his younger brother will never leave the house cause he love his house so much. Even just go to college on another area, In didn't want to. Del, the second child from the family choose to come with his father cause she didn't want to her stepmother take advantage from her father...


" Team focus !!! You only has two weeks for the competition you know!!! ", Dean scream knowing Team swim so slow.
" I know Phi.. Sorry ", said Team then start swim again.
" Phi Dean.. ", said Pharm behind his boyfriend.
" Awww nong ", said Dean.
" You know right why Team swims so slow... Emmm Win, he still not call you or give any news? ", asked Pharm.
" I know.. But Team must be focus if he still want to join the competition.. And yes, Win still not contact me ", said Dean.
" What should we do Phi ? ", asked Pharm with his confused face.
" Waiting I guess.. Win was not typical person who not face his problem ", said Dean.


Win walk to the dishwasher and wash the plate. He saw his nong talking with someone on the phone happily. It must be his boyfriend. Win suddenly realized that he never asked anything about his younger brother relationship. He feel regret because he less concern to his younger brother. In ever try to show him his boyfriend picture, but Win seem not really paying attention...

" In.. In come here ", said Win from the living room.
" Yes Phi ? ", asked In by walking to his brother.
" Emmmm.. Would you like to invite your boyfriend tonight ? I want to meet him ", said Win.
" Really Phi ? Are you serious ? I mean I almost thought you didn't like him ", said In.
" I am serious.. I can't hate him before meet him right ? ", said Win joking.
" Awww Phi... He's a good person na.. Don't be so mean please.. Na na ", said In then look to his brother with his puppy eyes.
" Hemm..", said Win shortly then turn on the television.


Hey guys.. Long time no see.. I miss you all... I hope you don't mind cause of my long long update hehehe... I try my best to finish this story.. Well I don't know how many the chapter would be.. But I can say this story will be have a lot of chapter behind.. So happy can write again.. Thank you for waiting.. Thank you for reading❤

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