Chapter One

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hi! so, i don't know if any of you have ever heard of the Butterfly Project. if you have, great! if you haven't, here it is:

the Butterfly Project is for people who do self harm. When you feel like you want to cut, you draw a butterfly on your skin (hopefully with stuff that won't hurt your skin) and name if after someone (or maybe even something) good in your life. You can draw as many butterflies as you want, but if you self-harm, you kill your butterfly (or all of your butterflies that you have). The butterflies must fade away NATURALLY- no scrubbing them off! Other people can draw butterflies on you, as well. These butterflies are very special. This obviously isn't a sure-fire way to stop, and if you have someone you can tell about what you're doing you should tell them, but this method has helped people and is definitly worth a shot. I hope this helps people who need it. We're rooting for you!

Also, know that you can draw butterflies on your skin even if you don't do self harm as a way to show your support.

note that while this is a soulmates au, they are also in high school.

TRIGER WARNING: Self-harm, cutting, talking about suicide, thoughts of suicide, low sense of self worth

here's the number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:  1-800-273-8255

I hope this helps anyone who needs it. You can do it, and you don't have to do it on your own. Talk to people you trust. I'm usually here, so you can talk to me if you want. I might not respond immediately, and we might be in different time zones, so i'm probably not the most reliable option, but still.


It was a normal day at school. Dean went through the motions; get ready. Wake Sammy. Get Sam ready.

Tiptoe around their father passed out on the couch.

Drop Sammy off at school. Drive to Sioux Falls High. Whistle at the senior girls who actually liked being whistled at. Goof around with the rest of the wrestling team. Laugh at how hard each of them are failing.

Don't mention he's failing because he works to hard at Singer's Auto Shop to have time for homework.

Go to class. Piss off the teachers he doesn't like. Try not to look like he cares about the teachers he does like. Crack jokes. Eat lunch. Repeat steps eleven through thirteen. Toe the line between pissing off his teachers and getting detention. Goof around with the wrestling team again. Turn a blind eye to his friend's bulling, but never get involved. Maybe flirt with a few of the senior girls. Ignore how much he wants to flirt with some of the boys. Get into his car. Pick up Sammy. Go home. Feel relieved that their dad moved to his room. Send Sammy off to go do his homework in their room.

Try not to go to the bathroom.

Go to the bathroom anyways.

And now he stands here, looking at his razor. Trying not to pick it up. Trying to stop. He promised himself that today he would stop.

Dean laughs at himself without any humor. Who is he kidding? He can't stop. He's worthless; why would he stop?

Yeah, he cuts. He's never tried to commit suicide, though. He couldn't do that to Sammy. He couldn't leave his little brother alone with his father, without any means of actually living a life that wasn't completely toxic.

He's always been glad that your soulmate only has things that have been drawn on your body on their own, and is free of the physical marks that you get, because if they did get the physical marks you have on your body his soulmate would 1) be either incredibly worried for him or incredibly disgusted (who is he kidding; of course they'd be disgusted, not worried ) and 2) never be able to wear a crop top or short shorts.

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