Chapter 1.Don't mess with Mercy

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Luke Parison POV

"I am sorry "pleads the schools number one jock jackson mouth filled with blood and all fresh new cuts visible on his face. I on top of him enjoying every moment holding him down to the floor with my fist connecting over his face again and again ruining his what's so over perfect face with a evil grin plastered on my mouth.

The hallways of the school are Crowded and probably getting wild and cheering up for me as if we are doing a wrestling match here ,and I know why they are supporting me on my side since they knows no one is born to defeat me and I do belief they are afraid of me and thinks that later after this fight I might brake their bones instead if they dont cheer up for me now, which is actually true so they are on my side right now.

The girls are calling out my names like ,wait a min even the nerds are being like "luke Parison your so hot",and "luke Parison what do you say tonight ?", "Luke parison I love you" , "Luke let me write your homework"which honestly gains a grin and a fake flirty wink from me ,but what i am thinking inside is "wether a girl looks like a nun or cheerleader when it comes to a handsome man , what I know is they all become a slut."

As I throw more punch harder and harder toThe jock Jackson under me is trying to come out , blocking his face with his broken injured hand from my fist and pleading for mercy, which offcourse reminds me that I am known by the nickname "Mercy" over here , I mean everywhere it's for the bloodied deadlier bad boy I am and for what I belief in "No mercy."

With a smirk plastered on my clean face I beat him more and more.

Untill The jocks breathing gets shaiggier and slower and his cough comes out with lot of blood and his clothe is all covered with red stain , his totally limp lying on the ground like a shrimp.

That's when I decides to leave him alone so that he could atleast stay alive and get married, have kids and breathe to remember never to mess up with "mercy aka me."

Its then when i decide to stand up from the jocks body , wiping all his wet thick blood stick on my hand on his white dirty blood stained polo shirt which was new a minute a ago.

As I walk away from the crowd, I wink to the the jocks girlfriend aka "schools popular girl who is good in being a whore" ,not only that I wink to the teacher's and yeah the principle too that was in the hallway who was watching the whole scene from the beggining with horror."

That's what I am no one dares to challenge me not even my teacher, and yes keep the principle aside too she's like my diehard fan , drooling over me and what I belief is it might be because of my dad whose the number one top donater of these school gives her a lot and lot of money every month so I know she's keeping her mouth shut for her own good and she never complains about the fight i create everytime everywhere.

Not to mention even the clases I always bunk they dont bother to inquire where was i when I bunk everytime when I become bored or when i go to take a puff from my ciggrates , further more they don't even care when i bully some nerds too, also the pluspoint the teacher's are pleased to write my homework you can see that's my life.

My life it has just been so luxurious from the time I was a toddler, I was golden spoon feeded and that's what I walk on golden carpet everytime i take a step forward and I see nothing around me for me it's just me and my power it might be because my father being a countries president that's what I get..right ?spoiled rich bad kids dancing on there parents wealth you might think right ??that's how I am supposed to be ?

But let me reprase it forgetting the spoiled part I think I actually don't dance on my parents money ,I earn it myself ask me how ? I do street car racing ,well i just dont do it like that as a hobby or time being , I am doing it because I am good at these no one can defeat me I am the famous street car racer indeed I make a lot and lot of money I sometime feel even more than my dad. Another thing I have no mercy towards anyone, be it a old man or a begger i got no sympathy thing running in my damn thing thats under my chest , i was just born with no emotion at all, that's what I Am.

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