Chapter One: Percys POV

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"Well dam, I never thought I'd see that happen." I said, looking at Annabeth. We were at the train station, getting ready to go on our vacation. "Yeah, what kind of trick was that? Son of Hecate maybe?" Annabeth asked, staring right at the wall where a boy had just run straight at- like he didn't even see the wall there. But the weird part is, he didn't just run into the wall and crash- he actually went through the wall. Gone.

"One way to find out." I said. "Seaweed Brain what are you-" And then I ran towards the wall at full speed where the boy had disappeared, not slowing down for a second. I closed my eyes. If this thing wasn't real, I was gonna look like a total idiot. And suddenly everything stopped moving. My feet slowed as if they knew I was either dead or through the wall. I slowly opened my eyes, checking to see if I was dead. "Wh-what?" I was standing before a whole new platform. Platform 9 and three quarters the sign read. What was that? "Aaaaaaaah!" Annabeth popped out of the wall beside me, gasping at the massive train that was right in front of us. "What? This shouldn't be possible! I mean, what kind of magic is this? That has to be the gods work, even I couldn't possibly make this happen! It's just not possible!" Annabeth went on about something to do with architecture when I finally shushed her. "Well, clearly it's possible. I'm going to go see if anyone knows where we are."

I tapped on a woman's shoulder. "Um excuse me, could you possible tell me-" She turned around, a bright smile on her face. "Hi!" she said, flashing me a smile. "Never seen you before, dear. Who are ya?" She had bright orange hair, and she looked about 40 years old. "Oh I'm sorry dear, I should introduce myself first. I'm Molly. Molly Weasley. And this is Fred, George, Ron and Arthur. And this is Ginny." They all had red hair. It was clearly passed on through the family. They also all wore worn down clothing. Hand me downs, they looked like. There were rips in almost everyones, except Ginny's. She wore a beautiful turquoise dress with a flower pattern on it. The boys all wore pants and a shirt, clearly old. "Now dear, who are you?" Molly asked.

"Oh. I uh- I'm Percy Jackson. I just wanted to ask where exactly I am right now. I saw you go through the wall and we came through to see-" Molly gasped. "But, muggles can't come through the wall! And you're older than eleven, you'd have gotten your letter. Has your memory been erased dear?"

So many things were going on in my head at once. Muggle? What letter? Why does she think me memory has been erased? "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. Me and my girlfriend were on our way to our vacation but we just saw someone come through and we followed. Now we're here. What's a muggle? And what letter are you talking about?"

"So you really don't know?" Ron asked, turning away from his conversation with Fred and George. "Then how did you come through the wall I wonder?"

Molly shushed him. "Stay out of this Ron. If he really is a muggle I don't want you involved in this!" She smiled at me again. "Dear, I think we should go see Dumbledore. He may be able to help you figure out everything. And help us figure out everything."

"But... Who exactly is 'us'? And where is this train going?" I asked.

"Us?" She blinked, and then stared in my eyes. "Well us wizards of course! And it's going to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, the best wizard school of them all!"

"I uh, need to go see my girlfriend now. I'll be back in a bit..." I walked over to Annabeth, and pulled her aside. "I'm going with them. On this train. To a place called Hogwarts. They're going to help us figure out what this portal thing is. Okay?" Annabeth sighed. "Percy, but what about our vacation? And why are you trusting them? I mean you don't even know these people! I don't like it. Let's just go, alright?" Annabeth tugged on my sleeve. "Listen, these people think they're wizards. Look, see, they're even carrying wands. I've seen enough in my life to know that this here isn't just nothing. You too, Annabeth. What if it's something bad? And aren't you curious to know what this is!?" She sighed, letting go of my sleeve. "I mean, it is a bit strange. But I'd prefer to contact Chiron before we go. I want him to know."

I nodded and handed her a golden drachma. "Let's go over-" I was interrupted by the whistle of the train, and a loud voice saying:

"Attention, all witches and wizards, the train will be leaving in two minutes. Please board now."

"Well I guess well have to do it on the train then," I said smirking. "Let's go see what this whole things about."

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