Promise Me- Part 2

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(Warning- Mild Gore)


The Hell



The four boys gazed upon their school... or what was left of their school as they spoke. The boys were in complete shock. It was nearly blown to smithereens and what stood on the remains, was a oddly-shaped, tall skyscraper building. It was so weird that it looked straight out of a video game. The school was changed into someone's evil hideout.

But the worst part.....

Was the many dead people were on the ground...... teachers, students, innocent lives, other superheroes. One person could not have done this...... could he?

"Oh my god," Ritchie was the first to speak, his mouth still dropped.

"I.... I can't believe it," Austin barely managed to say the words.

" did this...happened?" Mario continued.

"That.... monster... WE HAVE TO STOP HIM!!!" Michael yelled, starting to growl deeply as he started shifting into his half wolf form. His hatred towards Lucas was growing stronger.

"Michael calm down!" Ritchie walked up to Michael, "We will."

"But this is madness! We barely made it out alive in his last world!" Mario explained.

"Who's to say we aren't still in the world?" Ritchie told them. Everyone looked down, hope draining from their faces.

Suddenly, slight chuckling echoed from the bright sky. On the top of the skyscraper, they could barely make out a figure, but knew all too well on who it was.


All of them looked up, everyone did nothing as Lucas waved his hand while Michael's blood boiled with rage.

Mario has a look of worry, "This isn't good...."

Growling in his half wolf form, Michael barged into the building. Ritchie and Austin followed in suit.

"Guys Stop Wait!!! We gotta think this through!!" Mario yelled, reluctantly following them.

As he entered, Mario saw his friends battling multiple villains, all with a black and red eye like Lucas but with different powers while some looking like Lucas's clones.

Mario jumped into the fray, electrocuting as many enemies as possible.

Michael was clawing his opponents while behaving much more wolf like than normal.

Ritchie blasted more of his foes while screaming, "I AM STOOOOOOOOVE!!!!"

Austin smacked a guy who collided with another using his staff while the remaining sound-waves knocked away the rest.

"Promise Me...."- A Superhero High School/Superhero ID Roleplay One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now