World of Opposites

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Just the sound of the word puts me at ease. Running is my stress reliever. My hobby. My pain-reliever. There's just something about it. Like if I just push a little harder, go a little faster, I can run my way out of the world's harsh reality and into my own little world of bliss. It's like a never ending story that entraps you into its words and draws you in and when you just run further, more of the story gets unfurled. It gives me an indescribable feeling that I just can't explain. I just know that I can't get enough of it. I just feel and nothing or anyone has ever gave me the same feeling.

Running up to my front door, I took in a deep breath and stood in front of it. I leant over putting my hands on my knees, trying to steady my breathing. It was a long run this morning. When i started my morning run i hadn't intended on it being that long but I guess my body chose against me today. I pushed through the front door and made the walk upstairs to my room, When I entered my domain, I headed straight to my dresser for some fresh clothes. I grabbed a pair of boxers, a tank, and a pair of basketball shorts then went to bathroom connected to my room. I showered, changed, and was back in my bed. I glanced at my cellphone on the nightstand by my bed, 6:45a.m.

"Two more hours", I breathed out to myself. Today was the beginning of my senior year. Was I excited? Not at all. I'm just ready to get out of that school and this town. This year, my plan was to do anything and everything to keep myself busy and entertained so this year will just fly on by. I turned to lay on my back and stared at the ceiling.



That's what the clock said when I started getting ready for the day. 'Can't be too early. That's not how Shawn L. Red rolls', I thought as I chuckled to myself. In ten minutes I was dressed and ready to go. I looked in the mirror for an overall look at myself. My midnight, black hair was messy but presentable. My blue eyes looked as if they were almost glowing against my olive skin. My nose was narrow, not too wide or thin. My jaw, looking strong like my father's. I had on a simple black v-neck shirt, regular blue jeans, and some all black high-top Nikes. 'Good enough for me', I thought. Grabbing my bag, phone and car keys, I made my way out of my room and down the stairs. When I reached the bottom step I froze as I heard talking and conversation from what I knew was my family.

When I tried to make a break for the door, I was stopped by a voice.

"Oh big brother, why are you in such a hurry?'

I turned to see my fourteen year old brother sitting at the breakfast bar in our kitchen, grinning deviously. "Yeah son, why are you in such a hurry?", my Dad asked.

"I don't want to be late", I responded, glaring at my brother.

"Without even a 'hello' to your darling family? How rude!", my mother chimed in.

"Yes, mother, how very rude indeed." My brother, Steven, said while chuckling. Still glaring at Steven, I said "Good Morning everyone". They all responded with morning greetings and just as I was about to say a farewell, my little sister, Emily, decided to say something. "You're not going to get kicked out of school this year, are you Shawn?", she asked almost too sarcastically.

"No." I said flately. She's ten but I swear there is a thirty year old woman living in that tiny body.

"He better not", my dad said.

"Dad, chill", I retorted.

"Look Shawn, we all make mistakes, but you can't screw up again. You get kicked out this year, you wont graduate with your classmates." my dad scolded

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