Making Friends

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"Who's Shawn?" Reina asked.

I tapped her on the back. She turned around in her seat and I saluted her with two fingers and a devilish smirk. I stood and strode to Mrs. Wilkins desk with Reina following behind me. Mrs. Wilkins handed me two passes.

"I trust you can show Ms. Rodgers to her classes as well as getting to your next class on time Mr. Red?"

Nodding, I grabbed the passes and walked to the door and opened it. I waved my arm to the door and looked Reina. "After you." She gave me a small smile and walked through. As I followed, I looked back to see a smiling Jacob and Trina glaring.

Walking into the silence of the deserted hallways with Reina was... exciting. I was feeling like a little kid at Christmas with a shiny new toy to play with. She looked so good. From the strong calves and thick thighs under her jeans to her wide hips and slim waist. And that ass! Oh god that ass was-.

"Uh, where are we going?" Reina asked turning around and interrupting my thoughts. I hadn't realized we were randomly walking down the hallway when I was supposed to be showing her around. It seems my thought got the best of me. I stopped walking and looked at her.

"Can I see your schedule?" I asked ignoring her question. She looked up at me as if I were stupid and handed me the square sheet of paper. I internally laughed her expression and looked at her schedule. Immediately I recognized the classrooms she had to go as well as noticing we shared a few classes.

"Since your last class is close and we don't have a lot of time, we'll start from the bottom and go up."

"If we start from the bottom, how am I going to remember where to go?"

"How would you not remember?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She looked at me blankly.

"I'm new, I've never been here before. If you show me this backwards then that's how I'm going to remember it. I'll be lost all day,"

I took a second to think about that. "Tell you what," I began, "we dont have much time left so we're just gonna' do it my way."

"Did you not just hear what-,"

"But," I cut her off, " during the day if you get lost, text me. I'll come find you and escort you to class personally." I finished giving her a dashing smile. One of the corners of her mouth twitched but she continued to give me that black stare.

"Why does it seem this is an excuse to get my number?" she asked.

"Because it is." I stated with a smirk.

She surprised me and laughed a big, almost seductive laugh.

"At least you're honest." She said with a grin and pulled out her cellphone. "Whats your number?"

The casualty in her voice was a slight turn on. She wasnt jumping for joy about having my number like over half of the girls at this school would be doing. It was refreshing. After exchanging numbers, I showed her where her classes where, the gym, the cafeteria, and the auditorium. Conversation was here and there. Sometimes quiet but not awkward.

Reina and I walked to her first class and stood by the door.

"This is your first class.English with Mr. Johnson."

I walked to the wall, put my back against it and slid down to the floor. I sat there, legs bent, and looked up at her. She looked down at me like I was an idiot and I just grinned up at her. It was becoming and awkward stare off but her boobs looked nice from this view so I decided to just milk it for a second. I patted the floor, gesturing for her to sit beside me. She laughed a little and shook her head.

"We still have a few minutes till the bell rings so you might as well." I stated. She stared at me. "you know you want to."

She rolled her eyes and looked a tad bit annoyed but still came and sat next to me.

I smiled, "So where are you from?"

"North Carolina"

"Why the big jump?"

She raised her eyebrows and I chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you went from North Carolina to Nevada. Its a big jump." I explained.

I saw the understanding flash through her eyes and she blew out a sigh. "My parents got a divorce and my mom decided she needed a change of scenery."

I studied her face as she talked. She didnt look sad, she didnt look upset and she didnt look like it was hard for her to talk about it. She just looked blank. Well thats different.

I plainly responded."Cool."

"Cool? Just Cool?"

I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. "I'm surprised. Most people would be nosy little brats, asking questions like," she made her voice high-pitched, "Why did they get a divorce? Did someone cheat? Are you sad? Do you feel like jumping of a building?" She finished rollling her eyes.

I laughed. "Would I be too blunt if I told you I really don't care?"

She looked at me for a moment then laughed. "Nope. Not at all. I love the realness." She said with a grin.

"Well here's something else real," I leaned in close to her, "I dont know much about you but I do know that I'm extremely attracted you." She raised an eyebrow but didnt seem phased by my confession so I contined. "I think sex-appeal radiates off of you and that attitude of yours turns me on. I'm not saying i want to be your boyfriend but I do want to get to know you if thats ok with you."

I studied her face for a reaction. She looked up and opened her mouth, "I-."


The bell signaling the end of homeroom interrupted her following the roar of student pouring out of classrooms. We both stood up at once. I gazed down at her while she looked up at me but nothing was said. I nodded my head with understanding and turned to head to my class. At least I tried. I took two steps and felt a hand on my elbow pull me back. Pushing up against the wall. I looked down at a pair of dark brown chocolate pools staring into mine. I wouldve never thought a small thing like Reina was that strong. You learn something new everyday. She reached her hand up and cupped it around the back of my neck, pulling my head down till my ear was leveled to her lips. Her body pressed against mine. I tried to ignore the movement below my waist,

"You're cute and your honesty is sexy. I dont want a boyfriend but im all for making new... friends." She slowly pulled away and looked up at me in the most sexiest ' come get me stare' I have ever seen. I swallowed a lump in my throat I wasnt aware I had. She smirked at me. "I'll text you."

She walked into the classroom as i stared after her. I grinned and began waslking to my first class of the day with a 'pep in my step'.

When I came near my classroom door, there was Jacob leaning on the wall next to it with one foot propped on it, staring at me with excited eyes and a grin. I chuckled and walked to him.

"why do you always get the good ones first?" He asked in a 'whiney' voice but with a smile on hi face. All I could do is laugh and walk into class.

Author's Note:

Hi guys. This chapter is kind of short and I know the beginning is kind of slow but I havent updated in a while for multiple reasons and I really wanted to post something for those whove been sending me messages and comments about this story. Its all appreciated and I swear i will try to update on the regular for now on. Thanks to those who have kept up with me after only 1 chapter to read. It means so much!! Comment, vote, fan, ghostread, whatever :D Thanks guys.

*The beginning is slow but bear with me.

*Sorry for errors


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