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I had so much fun at the mall with Carter. He kept disappearing and coming back with random rude ass girls like niggaaaa lmfaoo.But i ran into King and he had a little girl with him. She was beautiful. she had blue eyes. Curly hair. She sorta looked like him.. maybe its his daughter, but when i saw them together my heart warmed. i wonder where her mom is, that is if that is his daughter i mean it could be his sister.. right? anyways, I just arrived at school and i was walking to my locker when i noticed someone standing next to it.
As i got closer i realized it was King. i mentally rolled my eyes but continued walking as he looked me up and down. "hey" he said smiling showing all his teeth as i finally reached my locker and began unlocking it. "What do you want King ?" i asked clearly annoyed with presence. "Okay i was going to apologize but fuck it now" he said shrugging. "Okay so can you leave now ? i don't want to be around you" i said looking him dead in his face.
He stared at me for a few more seconds then shook his head and bumped me hard walking away. "You're such a fucking dick, why do you always feel the need to fuck with me huh ? Are you so unhappy with your life that you feel the need to make mine miserable ? Don't you have family to bother ? Oh wait, you don't because they all left you. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why." I semi-yelled at him finally getting fed up with his bullshit. As soon as i looked in his eyes i instantly regretted it. I knew i had gone tooo far. I watched as his eyes went from their usual gray to black. He pushed me hard asf causing me to hit my head on the locker. I felt the back of my head and felt something wet, i looked at my hand and saw it was blood.
King then squatted down to my level and grabbed my chin roughly making me look him in his eyes. "Don't you ever in your life speak on shit that you don't know about, do you understand me ?" I couldn't do anything besides nod my head yes as i felt my eyes getting watery. I heard him sigh and his grip on my chin eased up.
"Listen i'm-" His sentence was cut off by the late bell ringing. I looked down at my hand which had my blood on it and he followed my eyes and looked at my hand too.
He sighed again as he picked me up bridal style and carried me to his car. I was in to much pain to protest, so i just allowed him hoping he was taking me to the hospital. As this was happening i couldn't help but to think about how bad this could go and how it could have easily been avoided if i would have just kept my mouth shut.

Hey Guys, I Completely Forgot About This Book But I Will Be Focusing On This Book More Starting Today. Also Somethings Will Be Changed. Happy Reading -Kayxbands ❤️.

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