Chapter Two - Saint Walker

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Darn's P.O.V.

It had been a day since I fought the Uniharg. Six days until I met my friends and foes. Darsine, my instructor, didn't train me anymore. I held my green lantern and I had my ring on. I brought them everywhere. I walked through the town for a last glimpse. I tried hard not to cry, but I had to face the facts, I was going to war. I always wished it wasn't so. I wished the Green Lantern hadn't chose me. I couldn't finish walking through the town. I walked back home, head held low. I always wondered, even if I was trained for a long time, was Brightest Day (he's with Brightest Day) going to win? What if Blackest Night is stronger? What if they have a bigger army? I couldn't stop worrying about the war. Some would think this was an honor, I think this is an entryway to doom.

David's P.O.V.

A day after the blue lantern came, I still didn't know what the blue lantern was. I stared at it and noticed a blue ring inside. "What's this?" I whispered to myself. I picked the ring up and held it in the palm of my hand. I put the ring on my finger. My clothes went blue and I now wore a blue domino mask. I threw the ring off of my finger. I had no idea of what just happened. I breathed heavily. What was that? How did that happen? Who gave the ring to me? All of these questions drove through my head like cars. I didn't stop watching the ring, I couldn't. I grabbed the ring and put it back on my finger. My clothes went blue and I wore a blue domino mask again. "Woah!" I didn't slip the ring off of my finger this time. "This is amazing! How is this even possible!"
I looked at my clothes. I didn't know how this was even possible.


The door to my apartment exploded. I turned around to see a weird looking person that I knew wasn't human.
"What are you?!" I panicked.
"I am Saint Walker." Saint Walker came closer to me. "You were chosen by the Blue Lantern, I can see."
I still had the ring on. "You mean that? You can have it!" I pointed to the lantern.
"It is yours, David Nad Liothag."
"How do you know my name?"
"I was the one who gave you the ring, David. But by the looks of it, you just put it on. It seems the lantern had a hard time finding you too."
"It was very hard to find you, well Earth itself."
"It was hard to find Earth. I had to go across a galaxy to get to you."
"No! What is a blue lantern?"
"The Blue Lantern. You are apart of the Blue Lantern Corps."
"What in the world is that?!"
"An alliance of ones chosen by the Blue Lantern. There are the Green Lantern, Blue Lantern, Red Lantern, Yellow Lantern, Violet Lantern, Indigo Lantern and Orange Lantern Corps. Each one representing an emotion. Green, willpower. Blue, hope. Red, rage. Yellow, fear. Violet, love. Indigo, compassion. Orange, greed. Some are Brightest Day, good. Others, Blackest Night, evil. Blue Lantern Corps has always been Brightest Day."
"But what do you mean 'I was chosen'?"
"I chose you to be the next Blue Lantern."
CRASH! A spaceship had crashed into parked cars.
"Hurry! We don't have much time!" Saint Walker rushed me to the window.
"What do you want me to do here?"
"FLY!" He jumped out of the window and didn't land on the ground. Instead, he flew like an airplane. He was floating in midair! "Hurry then!"
Others burst into my apartment. They wore clothes like Saint Walker, but they were red clothes. I panicked. I tossed myself out of the window and hoped I could fly. I couldn't watch. I thought I might be dead.
"Open your eyes."
I slowly opened my eyes. I was flying! "Woah! I'm flying!"
The alien that wore red jumped out of the window. "Come back here, David Nad Liothag!" He could fly too!
"Come, David!" Saint Walker demanded. I tried to fly to him. I couldn't get up to him.
"Just hope you can fly!"
I hoped as hard as I could. Not even knowing it, I was next to Saint Walker. "I did it!"
"Yes, come now. We must go." Saint Walker then whistled and a spaceship came up to us. "Hurry now. Get in, David."
I flew into the ship. "Where are we, Walker?"
"Saint Walker, if you don't mind and it's a ship. I'll explain the rest on the way to the Blue Lantern Corps."
"Who's flying this thing?"
"I am." An alien wearing a yellow suit answered.
"This is Arkillo." Saint Walker said. I was a bit afraid of Arkillo. "Arkillo, we must go."
"Saint Walker, why is he wearing a yellow suit?"
"Let me explain everything. There are seven Lantern Corps. Each one representing an emotion. Green, Willpower. Blue, hope. Violet, love. Indigo, compassion. Orange, greed. Yellow, fear. Red, rage. We are hope. Arkillo is fear. There are nine kinds of rings. Green, blue, violet, indigo, orange, yellow, red, Brightest Day and Blackest Night. Brightest day is good. Blackest Night is evil. The ones with Brightest Day are Blue Lantern, Green Lantern, some of Violet Lantern and Indigo Lantern. Blackest Night, Red, Yellow, Orange and some of Violet Lantern. There was a war. The War of Light. After the war, each Lantern Corps sent a ring to a new wielder. I was the one who sent the Blue Lantern to you. You were almost compass-"
"You brought the Blue power battery, right?" Arkillo interrupted. Saint Walker gazed at me.
"Arkillo, go back."
I had no idea of what they were talking about. What was a power battery? We turned back to my apartment. "Won't that guy still be there? And who is he anyway?"
"No, I don't think he will and his name is Atrocitus. He is a Red Lantern."
"This is weird."
We reached my apartment window. "Hey, won't people think a flying spaceship is unusual?"
"Don't worry. Only the Lanterns can see it." Saint Walker replied. I jumped into my apartment. "Walker - Saint Walker, what is a power battery?"
"It is the lantern on your table." He pointed to the blue lantern. I reached for the power battery. "What does this thing do anyway?"
"Found ya!" Atrocitus was still there.
"David, get out of there!" Saint Walker shouted. I pounced onto the ship.
"Come back here!" Atrocitus tried to get in the ship.
"Step on it!" I demanded. The ship burst away from Atrocitus. "Why is he after me anyway?"
"Atrocitus is apart of the Red Lantern Corps. He wants the war to start early." Saint Walker exclaimed.
"Wait! You didn't tell me there was gonna be a war!"
"Whether you like it or not, you are going to be in the War of Dark and Light. This is why I am coming to get you. I need to train you."
"I don't want to fight in a war!"
"I have one month to train you."
"One month?!"
"Yes, one month. The war begins in a month."
I couldn't believe what I heard. I had one month to train. I didn't know if I would be ready to fight.
"You meet your opponents and your allies in six days. The Lantern Corps leaders will teach you about Brightest Day and Blackest Night. There are oaths for each Lantern. You need to memorize them. I will be the Blue Lantern leader. We begin training when you meet the Blue Lantern Corps."
The rest of the trip there felt like hours. I was very anxious on the way. I didn't know if I would be ready for the war. What if I didn't win? I only had a month to train. It didn't feel like it was that long.

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