Meeting your lover

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"Mom, please? I wanna go to the court meeting! I have to, this is my only chance to meet him!" I exclaimed to your mother who was resilient to letting you go to Greg's court meeting

"Fine, be back as soon it ends though. If anything happens, you text me, I love you" 

Your mom placed a gentle kiss on your forehead as she hugged you and waved you goodbye. Finally, my chance to meet gregy poo. I'll never get a chance like this ever again in my life. I have to make it worthwhile. I was 18, a little old for him but I was just out of bounds of being fresh and ripe for him. I'm sure he'll love me. The drive there was slow and jittery, I couldn't help but wish it went by faster. I was only 15 minutes from the courthouse but it felt like hours had gone by before I finally arrived at the courthouse parking lot. I parked my car and walked in. I stayed aware of my surroundings while I walked to the elevator to go to the room they were in. I entered the elevator patiently waiting for the doors to close and take me to my destination before I hear footsteps approaching my elevator. "holy shit" I thought when he walked in. It was him, I couldn't believe it. It was really him, onision. I smiled and moved over as he walked in. The overpowering smell of Axe and grease overwhelmed my nose. He was just as perfect and red as he was in his videos. I had been watching him since I was 8 and everything in my life led up to this moment. I wouldn't take a thing back. He was dressed in a youth XL sized suite with a backward bulletproof vest underneath and a cute little tie and beanie to accompany it. 

"Hi!" you gently said

He glared at you before softly saying


"I've been watching you since I was eight, I really like your videos!"

"You do? You're not one of those onion haters that I'm dismissing my protection order against?"

"Nope! I've always wanted to meet you, you don't deserve the hate you get. They're just jealous they can't get into your baby carrot pants"

He smiled and laughed, god he's so hot. 

"You're pretty funny. Can I have your twitter or number? I'll follow you"

I gave him both and we walked out of the elevator together and sat down for the court meeting.

Red, Grease, and Love (onision xreader)Where stories live. Discover now