Chapter Four

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Ophelia sat on the nice steps of the staircase in the middle of Noras living room. There was a faint song playing that she couldn't figure out what it was but she was falling in love with the cores. Glancing over, she watched Alex laugh with Nora and a few of her friends, looking away when he looked her way. Ophelia thought about leaving, walking out of the house right now where she didn't have to sit alone and watch the love of her life be happy with someone else.

But that wasn't the smartest of ideas, Los Angles was crawling with danger on halloween night. She thought about calling Elena, begging her to come pick her up. But Ophie couldn't do that, she knew how excited she was for halloween. So she stayed, keeping her eyes away from Alex and giving people who passed her forced smiles.

"Hi." a voice was heard as Ophelia looked up, finding a pale boy standing before her with a smile.

"Hey." Ophelia said back with a small smile.

"Can I sit?" he asked as she nodded, watching as he sat next to her on the stair case.

"I'm Levi, a friend of Noras." he introduced as he held his hand out.

"Ophelia." she said back, taking his hand.

"Why such a long face?" he asked while nudging her a bit.

"I can't say without coming off as a jealous female dog." Ophelia explained making Levi laugh slightly.

"Try me." he explained as Ophelia gave him a odd look.

"That's my ex boyfriend." she nodded toward Alex as Levi hummed.

"Alex? That explains a lot." Levi said as Ophelia didn't bother to questioned him, leaning on her knees more as she looked down at her black flats on her feet.

"What happened with you guys?" Levi asked as Ophelia sighed and sat up better again, bitting at the inside of her mouth.

"I moved away, I left him when I knew I shouldn't have. It's my fault, but I can't help but blame him for getting with her." Ophelia explained, leaning on her hand as she looked over at Levi.

"Hey, it's normal. I still wanna hate Nora and i'm the one that called it off." Levi said as Ophelia frowned her eyebrows in confusion.

"You and Nora dated?" she asked him as he nodded his head, taking a sip of the punch.

"Oh yeah, for a while actually. But I got scared, so I told her I just wanted to be her friend. And look at me now, talking to her former boyfriends ex girlfriend at a sad excuse of a halloween party." Levi said, making Ophelia laugh and run a hand through her hair, sitting up again.

"You still love her?" Ophelia asked now, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Oh yeah, what about you?" he asked, nodding toward Alex again.

"More than anything else." Ophelia admits as Levi gave her a sad smile.

"Well, I don't think you sound like a jealous female dog." Levi explained as Ophelia was the one to laugh.

"And I don't think you sound like a hormonal guy that probably has backne." Ophelia said as he gave her a odd look.

"I never said I sounded like a hormonal guy with backne." he said as Ophelia gave a odd look.

"You didn't?" she asked, making him laugh again.

"You wanna go on a walk?" Levi suggested as Ophelia smiled and took his extended hand, walking toward the back door.

"Hey man, get away from her!" Alex voice ran through the living room as he suddenly shoved at Levi, making him stumble back some.

"Chill dude, we're just gonna go on a walk." Levi said as he held his hands up.

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